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Top 10 champions to counter Teemo in League of Legends
Hamza Rashid
09 Mar 2025
Posted On
League of Legends [1] has multiple champions players can play as. While most have fairly straightforward abilities that can be countered after learning about them, others can be extremely annoying. Alongside champions like Garen and Shaco, one of the most difficult to counter champions in the game is Teemo. Despite being small, this top-laner can cause devastation on the map, which can quickly infuriate players.
Fortunately, a handful of champions can counter this little champion quickly. We’re here to go through all the champions that can counter Teemo, including Yorick, Pantheon, Garen, Zac, Urgot, and Maokai. In addition to highlighting every champion who can counter Teemo, we’ll also give details about the best methods players can use to effectively shut down the opposing champion.
So, if Teemo has been causing issues for you then rest assured as we’re here to help you with that. Suppose you want to learn how to properly utilize the abilities of every champion listed here. In that case, we recommend you hire a professional League of Legends coach from Eloking to give you a hand. You can even use the code “BoostToday” for a 20% discount on your order.
10: Yorick
Yorick’s tankiness and split-pushing potential make him an incredible counter to Teemo. His Mist Walkers and Q ability allow him to trade and sustain through Teemo’s poke. His W can trap Teemo and force him into a losing fight, while R summons Maiden of the Mist to add extra pressure and damage.
Every time you go to an area where you suspect there may be a mushroom, you can always just send your Mist Walker to initiate the ability. Alternatively, his split pushing potential is also crazy, so you can damage the tower even if you don’t know where Teemo is.
9: Malphite
Malphire’s high armor scaling and durability make him a great counter to Teemo. His passive absorbs a good chunk of Teemo’s poke, and his E can reduce Teemo’s attack speed to weaken his damage. Malphite can use his ultimate to engage Teemo instantly and prevent him from escaping.
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8: Pantheon
Pantheon’s early-game and burst damage allow him to counter Teemo. His passive can absorb Teemo’s pokes, and E can block most of his attacks to negate almost everything he shoots. His ultimate lets him roam and impact other lanes, reducing Teemo’s effectiveness in controlling the game.
7: Garen
Garen’s tankiness and sustainability make him an obvious candidate against Teemo. His passive allows him to heal after trades, making Teemo’s pokes useless. Q removes crowd control effects, including Teemo’s Blinding Dart, and silences him to stop him from retaliating. Garen’s E deals consistent AoE damage and forces Teemo to play defensively.
6: Quinn
Quinn’s burst damage is a spectacular aspect that allows her to counter Teemo. Her W can reveal Teemo whenever he’s invisible, denying him from making sneaky plays. Quinn’s E disrupts Teemo’s kiting and allows Quinn to follow up with her burst damage. Her R will enable her to roam effectively, reducing Teemo’s ability to control the map.
5: Shen
Shen’s durability and ability to block most attacks makes him incredible against Teemo. His W creates a zone that negates Teemo’s primary way of damaging. E allows Shen to close the gap and taunt Teemo, forcing him into a disadvantageous fight. If Teemo ever attacks a teammate, Shen can use his ultimate to reduce his impact and get a free kill.
4: Zac
Zac’s ability to close gaps makes him a nightmare for Teemo players. Zac’s passive prevents him from dying the first time he loses his HP, allowing him to make comebacks after he resurrects. E lets Zac engage from afar to prevent Teemo from poking or escaping. Zac’s R disrupts Teemo’s positioning and makes it difficult for him to kite.
3: Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo thrives against Teemo thanks to his tankiness and health regeneration. Teemo’s poison damage is mitigated by Mundo’s passive, which gives him crowd control immunity and healing. His W reduces incoming damage and converts it into healing, and R provides him with a massive heal, making it nearly impossible for Teemo to kill Mundo in fights.
2: Urgot
Urgot works well against Teemo because of his ranged advantages, durability, and ability to punish short trades. Teemo’s poke is useless against Urgot’s W since it gives him sustained damage and shields. E allows Urgot to flip Teemo into a bad position and force him into an all-in fight where Urgot has the advantage. His ultimate ability executes low-health enemies, ensuring Teemo doesn’t escape despite his mobility.
1: Maokai
Maokai is arguably the best counter to Teemo, thanks to his tankiness, sustainability, and crowd control. Teemo relies on poking and kiting, but Maokai’s passive allows him to heal through Teemo’s damage. W roots Teemo, preventing him from escaping, while E provides vision to counter his stealth. R is a long-range tool he can use to engage and lock Teemo down, making him an easy target for Maokai and his team.
How do I deal with Teemo’s blind?
Teemo's Q (Blinding Dart) can shut down auto-attack-based champions. To counter this, wait for the blind to expire before engaging or use abilities that don't rely on autos. Champions with crowd control (CC) can lock him down before he gets to blind you.
How can I avoid Teemo’s mushrooms?
Buy Control Wards, Oracle Lens, or Sweeping Trinket to reveal his R (Noxious Trap) and clear them. Avoid common mushroom placement areas, like lane entrances and jungle paths, and consider buying Mercury’s Treads or a Quicksilver Sash (QSS) to reduce his poison’s impact.
What’s the best way to play against Teemo in lane?
Avoid extended trades where he can poke you down. Engage when his Q is on cooldown, and use bushes to break vision. Freeze the wave near your turret so he’s forced to overextend, making him vulnerable to ganks.
Why do players find it difficult to fight Teemo?
Teemo is a League of Legends champion known for his poke damage, stealth mechanics, and ability to annoy enemies with poison and traps. Luckily, some champions can counter his playstyle by closing the gap, sustaining his poke, or locking him down.