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Valorant console agent nerfs and buffs in patch 10.04

Valorant console agent nerfs and buffs in patch 10.04

While Valorant had always primarily been a PC game, it is now playable on consoles too and countless fans worldwide are slowly but surely jumping into the game for the first time. Like the PC version, Riot Games continues to gradually tweak and update agents and their abilities to make things fresh, fair, and consistent.

The studio just announced all the changes players can expect to see in Valorant console patch 10.04 [1]. This includes all of the agent nerfs and changes, including those for Neon, Reyna, and Yoru. We’ll go through all of those changes today to ensure you know what to expect when the patch rolls around on March 5, 2025.

So, without further ado, here’s what Valorant console players can expect from the upcoming patch.

Neon Buffs

After her nerfs in Patch 9.11, Neon’s effectiveness on console has been under review. With this update, she’s receiving buffs to make her more competitive.

Overdrive Adjustments

Sprint Fuel Efficiency Improved

These changes give Neon better damage potential while slightly improving her sprint efficiency, allowing for more aggressive play.

Yoru changes to make him smoother

Yoru has always been a high-mastery, high-reward Agent, but his console performance was lower than expected due to execution difficulties. This patch removes some unnecessary delays, making him feel smoother to play.

Dimensional Drift Buff

Fakeout Adjustments

Blindside (Flash) Buffs

Yoru players will now enjoy a faster ultimate exit, stronger flashes, and a more rewarding Fakeout, making him more viable for console play.

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Reyna’s Leer Becomes Harder to Destroy

Reyna’s Leer ability has been underperforming, making it less effective than intended.

Leer Buff

This buff means Leer lasts longer, making it harder for enemies to shoot down immediately and improving Reyna’s ability to initiate fights


  1. [1] "Valorant patch 10.04 patch notes". Retrieved March 04, 2025

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