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What is Angle Snapping in Valorant?

What is Angle Snapping in Valorant?

Angle snapping, also known as angle correction is nothing shy of a little tech magic that some gaming mice and their software can perform. Simply put, it helps you keep your aim steady while looking around or aiming at someone. While it may sound like Aimbot at first, it’s quite different. Instead of locking into an opponent, angle snapping smoothes out your mouse movement to align with specific angles or trajectories.

Today, we’re here to go through everything you need to know about Angle Snapping in Valorant. This includes what this is and how players pull it off. Naturally, we’ll also highlight some uses of this technique and what sort of players could potentially benefit from Angle Snapping, especially when it comes to competitive.

So, without any delay, here’s what Angle Snapping is in Valorant and why players use it. If you want to practice your aim so you don’t have to use external software, you can always hire a professional coach from Eloking to show you the ropes. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” so you get a 20% discount too.

How does Angle Snapping work?

First-person view in a shooter game, exploring a courtyard

Let's understand how angle snapping works in the technical sense. Imagine moving your mouse in a slightly curved motion instead of following a more linear path, with angle snapping turned on, your mouse will smooth out that curved movement, pretty much getting you straight to where you would’ve wanted your crosshair’s position to be. Think of it like having a friend who gently nudges your hand back on track while you’re trying to draw a straight line. 

Although this may sound like the use of AI, it actually makes use of clever algorithms that are built into the mouse’s software or firmware. These algorithms make use of mathematical calculations to predict and correct you based on analysis of your mouse movement. While there's no doubt they're handy, they aren't always spot on. That's why some players opt to turn them off as it messes with their natural mouse flow or muscle memory. 

Angle snapping can completely switch up your gameplay if it settles on you. It can come in clutch when you're on the move and trying to flick-shot your opponents, and while it won't give you laser aim, you will notice that you have better recoil control. It is also fantastic during matches where you may need to move a lot, as it can help make adjustments to make up for any minor deviations caused by your movement. 

How to turn Angle snapping on in Valorant?

First-person view in an intense video game shootout

To enable angle snapping, firstly, open the software for your respective brand of mouse. From there, go to the ‘performance’/’sensitivity’ tab, and then select the option ‘Angle Snapping/Tuning’ or ‘Mouse Acceleration’. Once you’ve enabled it, open Valorant and it should start working. 

Be mindful, however, that angle snapping is not an official feature in the game, so the only way to enable it is externally through the use of sine software. Secondly, not every mouse supports angle snapping as it's not a universal feature that’s available on all models. It is usually found in the higher-end ones from brands such as Logitech, Razer, SteelSeries, and Corsair, so if you want to turn angle snapping on, make sure that your mouse supports it by checking the product details.

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Why do players use Angle Snapping?

Players with shaky aim or just lazy arm movement can use angle snapping to improve their aim. It's kinda like your mouse saying “Hey I know you’re trying to aim straight ahead, so let me help you get there smoothly.” that's not to say everyone benefits from this feature, though. Some players dig it because it helps them keep their aim consistent, while others think it messes with their natural precision and prefer to keep it off.

Is Angle Snapping in Valorant cheating?

Angle snapping is not an aim assist or a cheat as all it does is smooth out the movement of a player’s mouse. Since some players physically cannot hold their mouse steady when snapping, it’s a tool that makes the game more accessible.

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