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The best tips for Teamfight Tactics beginners

The best tips for Teamfight Tactics beginners

Like other free-to-play games, Teamfight Tactics continues to get a steady influx of new players who want to try their hand at the popular strategy game. However, while FPS games might be relatively straightforward, the same isn’t true for Teamfight Tactics, which is why some new players might struggle to find their footing with it,

To ensure this doesn’t happen to you, we’re here with a handful of tips specifically taken from our professional TFT players. These tips are sure to help new Teamfight Tactics players get an arm up in the game to start winning games and steadily learn how to become the professionals they are meant to be.

So, without any more delay, here are the best tips for Teamfight Tactics beginners that some veteran players can likely utilize too.

The top 5 best tips for Teamfight Tactics beginners

Strategic battle game with characters selecting items in a fantasy arena

Getting into Teamfight Tactics can feel overwhelming with all the new mechanics and rules, but following some tips can allow even a novice to challenge a veteran.

5. A losing streak can be as helpful as a winning streak

Learning how to manage your gold is essential to be a pro at Teamfight Tactics. You get varying amounts of gold at the end of every round, depending on if you’re on a winning streak or a losing streak. This bonus income means that even if you lose consecutively against someone, it doesn’t mean you're at a disadvantage.

If anything, managing gold effectively through loss streak bonuses can provide an advantage if your enemy is getting too cocky and spending too much unnecessary gold. However, be wary because every loss will drain some Hit Points, so don’t lose on purpose.

4. Build your team composition based on your Augments

Players engaged in a strategic multiplayer battle in an online fantasy game arena

Each player can select 3 Augments in a match if they live long enough. Every Augment in a game has quirks and bonuses, so it’s necessary to build your entire team around whatever Augments you pick.

Using Augments correctly can give you powerful advantages since some of them can synergize with specific Champions. If you get an Augment that doesn’t work well with your current team lineup, try to change the team composition.

3. Organize your bench

Fantasy game board on a floating island with hexagonal tiles and scenic surroundings

It’s a good idea to buy duplicate Champions to level them up and collect others you don’t have access to yet. Unfortunately, even though there are a lot of Champions available, you can only keep nine things on your bench.

Since you can’t keep everything, get rid of things you won’t use anymore. Always look at your Tactician’s level and tier roll percentages since it will help you understand who to keep and discard.

2. Work with two or three traits

Cartoon bird with sword and crown celebrating

With so many traits available, focus on only two to three traits at a time. Traits provide your team with bonuses by fulfilling the correct requirements, so always try to max out a couple of traits rather than getting multiple and not doing anything special with them.

1. Scout your opponents

If you click on the opponent’s icon on the right side of the screen, you can move to their board and look at their entire setup, including what Champions they’re using and saving for later, alongside what Augments and items they have.

With this information, build team compositions that can counter the enemy. Do this every round and adjust your strategy whenever possible if it means you can fight back.

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How much does Teamfight Tactics cost?

Those wanting to step into the world of Teamfight Tactics for the first time will be glad to learn that the game is completely free to play. However, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have multiple in-game cosmetic items players can purchase for real world money.

What’s the best place to learn Teamfight Tactics tips and tricks?

The internet is a vast place, and websites like YouTube are excellent for finding and learning Teamfight Tactics tips and tricks. However, Eloking consistently uploads up-to-date blog posts with the current meta, and it’s definitely one of the best places to learn how to play the game.

What’s next?

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