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Valorant: What Are the Best Agents to Use in Split?

Valorant: What Are the Best Agents to Use in Split?

Valorant has multiple maps players must learn if they want to consistently win games. While some maps are easy to win, others require players to utilize certain strategies to make a difference. Naturally, thanks to the way Valorant is designed, it’s crucial to know which agents players should use on every map so their abilities can be utilized.

Today, we’re here to go through the best agents to play on the map Split. In addition to going through our favorite picks for this map, we’ll also explain what makes every agent on this list one of the best for Split.

So, without further ado, here are our picks for the best agents to use in Split. If you don’t know how to use any agent we mention today, you can always hire a professional coach from Eloking. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” so you can get an easy 20% discount on your order.


Video game character Raze holding explosive weapons in a dynamic pose

Raze is arguably the best Duelist for Split, thanks to her ability to clear out small spots. Split is one of the few maps in Valorant with many corners for players to hide in, making Raze’s grenades and Boom Bot incredible utilities for clearing them out. Although Raze’s Boom Bot has been nerfed multiple times, it’s still an effective tool for flushing out enemies during pushes and retakes. 

Since the map has many lanes and turns, Raze’s satchels let her speed pass across areas without giving opponents a chance to fight back. This helps her get into higher positions, as Split is a vertical map. Raze’s ultimate ability is an exceptional tool in Split. It can one-hit kill multiple enemies if they’re together, making it an incredible thing to use during pushes and retakes.


Artwork of Sage, a sentinel character holding orbs, from a tactical shooter game

Sage is one of those agents that works on almost every map, and Split is no different. Sage’s walls work great for offense and defense. Sage can block off mid using her wall when defending, allowing defenders to set up and forcing attackers to take other routes. While attacking, her walls can create safe paths into sites.

Her healing improves her team's survivability, especially for entry-fraggers like Raze. Sage’s advantages are generally incredible and apply everywhere, including Split.

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Futuristic warrior woman in action pose

Jett has become an essential pick on Split due to her horizontal and vertical mobility, allowing her to navigate the map's corridors and high ground. Her dash allows her to retreat from enemy fire and reposition, which works perfectly in Split because the map doesn’t have a lot of open areas. Also, Jett’s Updraft lets her go into higher places with ease.

Her smokes prevent opponents from looking at her or her teammates, letting both of them attack or retreat. The Operator is one of the best weapons to pair with Jett, as her mobility lets her play aggressively and hold angles.


Animated female character in dynamic action pose with glowing elements

Clove is likely the best Controller for Split, thanks to their aggressive playstyle. While attacking, they can use their Meddle ability to weaken enemies hiding in corners and their Pick-me-up to give themselves a boost and a buff. They can smoke off angles using their signature abilities, but what makes them unique is that they can still smoke off areas after they’re dead, so they aren’t useless afterward. 

Clove’s ultimate, Not Dead Yet, resurrects them and makes them invulnerable for a short period, perfect for pushing areas or when it’s time to clutch. Their entire kit makes them a must-pick Controller in Split.


Animated female character with glasses and a colorful outfit

Killjoy is another Sentinel that thrives on Split’s layout with tight spaces and chokepoints. She can place her turret on high ground to make it work as an alarm to let her team know when enemies are pushing, while her Alarmbot can be placed in small corridors for surveillance. Like Raze, her grenades can flush out opponents in small areas or stop enemies from pushing by detonating them in chokepoints.

Her ultimate ability is practical in Split since the map has small bomb sites. Lockdown covers a big radius, so players can use it to clear out sites when it’s time to retake or when they’re pushing. Killjoy’s utility lets her control areas and ruins enemy strategies, making her a perfect pick for Split.


Animated female character with green armor and an orange bandana

Skye is the ideal Initiator for Split, thanks to her abilities that allow her to gather information, flash enemies, and heal teammates. Her flashes are perfect for clearing corners and gaining information, stopping enemies from hiding and flashing them simultaneously. Her dog is incredible for getting intelligence, too, and if she hits an enemy with it, it’s a guaranteed kill. 

Skye’s ultimate tracks multiple opponents, making it an essential tool for navigating Split’s complex layout. By revealing enemy locations, Skye's ultimate gives the entire team important information that lets them counter opponent setups. Like Sage, Skye can heal her teammates to ensure aggressive agents like Jett have enough health.


Mysterious warrior in purple cloak holding a sword

Omen is considered the best Controller for Split, because of his flashes and mobility. While defending, he can smoke off areas to slow down enemies and cut off their vision, and when he’s attacking, he can smoke off angles to give his team an easy way into sites. His teleport ability lets him reposition easily, and since the map has verticality, it allows him to reach higher ground. 

Omen’s ultimate is as useful in Split as in other maps. He can use it to get the Spike from anywhere on the map, so it’s invaluable in clutch situations. In defense, he can use that ability to flank opponents and get a few free kills.

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