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Every League of Legends champion in Arcane Season 2

Every League of Legends champion in Arcane Season 2

Arcane’s second and final season has finally concluded and fans worldwide absolutely loved it. Who could have known that a show based on a MOBA  by Riot Games called League of Legends would be one of the best-rated pieces of media ever? While many fans of the game got together to watch the show, several non-fans did too.

While those who have played League of Legends before will likely recognize most, if not all the Champions who appeared in the show, the same can’t be said for those who have only seen snippets of gameplay. Therefore, we figured we’d go through all of the champions who appeared in Arcane Season 2 to ensure fans know which Champions to main if they opt to jump into the game in the future.

So, without further ado, here is every League of Legends Champion in Arcane. If you start playing League of Legends, we highly recommend you hire a professional coach from Eloking to show you the ropes. After all, the League player base is known for being toxic, and no better way to combat toxicity than by being better than the bullies in the game. You can even use the code “BoostToday” to get a 20% discount on your order.


Futuristic woman with blue hair looking upwards in the dark

Jinx’s character development in Season 2 turns from one of the most likable characters on the show to arguably the most loved one, where she learns about humility and innocence thanks to her time with Isha. Later on, she feels guilty over Isha’s death and her ruined relationship with Vi. When she’s in prison in the Stillwater bunkers, she escapes and then burns down Silco’s chair, attempting to kill herself afterward.

However, Ekko interferes with Jinx’s plans to convince her to help him undo all the damage she’s done. Later, she sacrifices her life to save Vi from Warwick, where she pushes herself and him off the Hexgate’s ledge. Even though the characters think she’s dead, it’s left ambiguous whether she’s alive.


Intense anime character making a dramatic gesture

Vi’s entire journey is shaped by her duty to protect Piltover and her love for her sister, Jinx. Voiced by Hailey Steinfield, Vi has a more prominent role in season 2, such that she fights alongside Caitlyn to defend Piltover. Throughout the season, she’s constantly burdened by Jinx’s decisions, like her escape from prison. 

Her internal problems show their worst during the final fight with Warwick, where she hesitates to end him due to the reminder of Vander’s legacy. At the end of the day, Caitlyn is the only one Vi has left.

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Intense female commander with blue eyes in a military uniform in a dramatic lighting setting

Caitlyn’s role in Season 2 is her defending Piltover from Noxians. Although she’s not as prominent in the third act, her character goes through a lot of development, especially her relationship with Vi. 

Caitlyn fights Ambessa, loses an eye, and later figures out the truth behind Jinx’s escape from the Stillwater bunkers. She still protects Piltover alongside Vi and the city. However, it’s unknown if she still holds the highest position of power.


Futuristic archer with intense expression in a dynamic pose

Ekko’s story takes a dramatic turn in Season 2 as his timeline shifts due to the Hexcore’s malfunction. In the alternate dimension, Ekko’s journey is much different from the main timeline, with Powder having a peaceful life. In this timeline, Ekko builds the Z-Drive, a device that can manipulate time, with Powder’s help. 

As he works with Heimerdinger to reverse the timeline to prevent more suffering, Ekko understands that nothing is good in other realities. Ekko’s actions then lead to Viktor’s moment of humanity, setting up everything for the future conflict’s resolution. Ekko’s sad ending, where he’s alone in the alternate world. Shows how much he was willing to sacrifice everything.


Colorful animated cat wearing goggles

Heimerdinger guides Ekko during the development of the Z-drive, playing an important role in the second timeline. Although he doesn’t have a huge role in the primary dimension, his support is essential in helping Ekko realize that he has to set things right. 

It’s implied after Heimerdinger’s sacrifice that he might come back due to his immortal nature. After all, Yordles don’t use their physical bodies usually, which means that the old scientist will likely “respawn” where his soul is. Additionally, it should be noted that the end of Episode 7 shows that the alternate version of Jinx has various parts of the Hexgems stored away. Seeing how Heimerdinger was able to send Ekko back to their universe, it would make sense for him to be able to do the same for himself.


Futuristic video game character portrait in space setting

Jayce has a lot of character development throughout the second season of Arcane, going from a figure of authority to someone who seeks redemption. After he “kills” Viktor in Act 2, Jayce feels guilty and tries to make amends by going against Noxus’ assault on Piltover. His internal struggle with Viktor forces him into a face-to-face confrontation. During the confrontation, Jayce helps Viktor understand the importance of imperfections to move him away from forcing a perfect and controlled society.

His entire arc consists of him reconciling his previous mistakes and helping Piltover when the Noxians attack.


Fantasy mage with a magical staff in a mystical setting

Viktor finally goes through his “Glorious Evolution” in the second season. In an attempt to improve humanity, he loses it and sacrifices his older self to gain power and control others. Ekko plays a role in helping Viktor confront the consequences of his actions, where he learns that whatever he’s looking for can’t come by forcefully controlling people. 


Dramatic fantasy battle scene with fiery and monstrous characters

The main thing Warwick goes through in the second season is his transformation from a man into a beast. Once he’s no longer the protector of Zaun, he becomes a blood-hound, a creature that hunts everything in his way. His past as Vander is gone as the beast in him takes him over. 


Bald warrior confronting a large shadowy creature in a murky forest

Singed returns in the second season, but his screen time isn’t as prominent. He gets captured and taken to the Piltover prison, where he keeps spilling his blood to make a trail for Warwick to follow. Then, he worked with Ambessa to help Viktor and the ability to bring up an undead army. Besides that, Singed also apparently healed Warwick’s wound after Act Two. 

At the end of the day, Singed is the only character in the game who gets away scott-free. On the contrary, he gets his daughter back, reaffirming the message Arcane has been telling from the start that the good guys don’t always win.


Vintage ballerina music box with dancing figure

Orianna is in the show as a cameo. In the second act, when Singed goes to the room with his daughter, there’s a statue of a Ballerina that showcases what Orianna will be in the future. According to League of Legends lore, Orianna’s body gets replaced by metal. She then appears in one of the final scenes, where the audience sees her in her champion form, with her body entirely made of metal. 

It’s very likely that Singed had Viktor give Orianna the metallic body in exchange for saving him using Vander’s blood. Since Viktor is implied to be sent across reality in the end, Orianna may have some or all of her previous memories and personality.


Shadowy figure with glowing eyes in a dark, misty environment

The Black Rose, a secret organization led by LeBlanc in Noxus, controls Amara while communicating with Ambessa. LeBlanc has been influencing Noxus’ plans for a long time. Later on, Mel figures out that the leader of the Black Rose is responsible for Kino’s murder. In the final act, the leader confronts Mel and recruits her, welcoming her to the Black Rose. 

However, Mel eventually sees through the fact that the Black Rose was simply using her, and uses her powers to defeat the version of the shadowy figure in front of her. While not confirmed, the shadowy figure is implied to be LeBlanc, one of the most beloved Champions in League of Legends.


Fantasy warrior with ornate armor and majestic headpiece

Ambessa plays an important role in the second season of Arcane, becoming an antagonist after Caitlyn betrays her. Since she’s the matriarch of Noxus, she declares war on Piltover after Kino, her son, gets assassinated by the Black Rose. She sides with Noxian forces using her political influence and powers. Ambessa allies with Viktor and raises an undead army to ensure Noxus’ success.

During the war, Ambessa fights Caitlyn and almost kills her until Mel steps in, who plays an essential role in defeating her. It’s implied that Ambessa may have died at the end of the battle. However, others claim she was simply imprisoned and is alive and well, something that is more likely seeing a show she’s a playable Champion in League of Legends.


Mysterious creature peering from ornate armor

Swain is hinted at throughout Arcane, but his presence is confirmed in the final act. A black crow flies over Piltover, revealing its three eyes as it looks across the rubble. Later, the same crow is flying among Noxian ships, which hints at Swain’s story. The crow matches the one in Swain’s official splash art in League of Legends, teasing his presence.

While Swain wasn’t physically in Arcane, this suggests Noxus may be the next area to get the Piltover and Zaun treatment. However, nothing has thus far been confirmed by the creators of Arcane.


Which League of Legends Champions is Arcane based on?

While various Champions appear in Arcane, the four Champions the show is mostly about include the sisters Vi and Jinx, as well as the scientific partners Jayce and Viktor. Vi and Jinx slowly reconcile throughout the show while Jayce and Viktor slowly grow apart in what fans agree is one of the most beautiful storylines ever.

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