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Faker LoL Settings: A Complete Guide

Faker LoL Settings: A Complete Guide

Faker is arguably one of the biggest names in the history of League of Legends. Widely regarded as one of the greatest players in the game's history, it's no secret that fans are often left wondering what makes him so good at the game. One of the things that certainly play a factor in a player's skill is their in-game settings, such as controls, graphics settings, and even system specifications. 

Because of these reasons, it is obvious most people will be quite interested in knowing what these exact settings are, as incorporating them into their gameplay could significantly help them become better players. In this article, we will go through everything you need to know about Faker's in-game settings, which can help you get better in League Of Legends. 

So, if you're interested in learning how to be like Faker, here are the settings you can utilize to do so. Of course, just having the same settings isn't enough to play like a professional player, which is why Eloking's coaching services can come in clutch. Just don't forget to use the code "BoostToday" for a 20% discount when you do so.

Importance of knowing Faker's settings 

Esports player seated in front of a trophy at gaming event

Before we get into Faker's LoL settings, it's important to also discuss why you might want to know them in the first place, as this will offer a deeper insight into their importance, as well as how you can maximize their use. 

Pro players like Faker spend countless hours refining their gameplay. They do this by tweaking their in-game settings till they find the best possible one that suits them. If you're someone who's able to adapt well to someone else's gameplay settings, copying Faker could give you a massive skill boost, as well as save you tons of time that you would have otherwise spent experimenting.

Pro players like Faker also tend to prefer the best performance, which is achieved through optimal video settings. If you have a system with similar specifications to Faker's, copying his video settings will ensure you get the best graphics optimization, which will significantly boost your gameplay experience.

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Faker's LoL Settings

Esports player gesturing at a championship event

Below are Faker’s Complete League Of Legend settings, including complete system specifications, as well as all the peripheral equipment he uses.

Mouse Settings

Faker's sensitivity settings are on the moderate-to-high end, the indicator of this being an 1800 DPI and a Camera MS of 50. This is an indicator that most people who copy his sensitivity settings won't have too much trouble adjusting unless they're naturally low-sens players. 

Keybind Settings

These keybinds are generally well-suited for competitive play. A lot of the keys are the default setup, and the rest are easily accessible. This will allow quick casting, precise targeting, and easy movement. 

Video Settings

If you have a high-end PC like Faker, these settings will be perfect, as they offer a good balance between performance and visual quality, which will ensure a good experience. If you have a low-end PC, we suggest creating your custom settings. 


Faker's PC specs are on the higher end. This is expected, as professional players lean towards investing in the best possible hardware for competitive use.

And that Sums up everything you need to know about Faker's League of Legends settings.

What’s next?

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