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How to redeem Valorant gift cards and codes

How to redeem Valorant gift cards and codes

Valorant might be primarily an FPS game, but the thing that sets it apart from competitors like CS2 is how players have the ability to use a wide variety of cosmetics to change how their weapons and knives look. However, most skins require players to use a premium currency called VP, or Valorant Points.

Well, since most players tend to use gift cards and codes to obtain VP, we figured it would be a good idea to write a guide teaching players how they can redeem gift cards and codes in Valorant. Naturally, we’ll also go through some potential troubleshooting methods if your codes don’t work.

So, without any more delay, here’s how you can redeem Valorant gift cards and codes. Since skins don’t really improve your gameplay, you can always use the money you would use on cards to hire a professional booster from Eloking instead. For more savings just use the code “BoostToday” to get a 20% discount.

What are Valorant gift cards?

Assortment of gaming gift cards including PlayStation, Roblox, Valorant, and Netflix displayed at a store

Valorant gift cards contain a unique code that gives players Valorant points(VP). There are multiple denominations for Valorant gift cards, ranging from $5 - $200! 

You can buy Valorant gift cards from online marketplaces like Amazon and Best Buy, and even key shops like G2A. If you want these cards physically, then you can go to major retailers such as GameStop and Target. Even though you can get these cards from numerous places, it’s best to stick to official mediums and not use resellers like G2A.

How to redeem Valorant gift cards?

Hand holding a FASTag packaging in front of a computer screen

Redeeming a Valorant gift card is straightforward if you have the game installed. All you need to do is:

Open Valorant on the account you want to add funds to

This step is very straightforward. Simply open the Riot client and log in to the account where you want to redeem the gift card. Once logged in, find Valorant and open the game up.

Click on the Valorant Points icon

Once in-game, all you need to do is click on the Valorant Points icon on the top-right of the screen. There are three icons, out of which you need to click the leftmost one because the other two are for Radianite and Kingdom Credits.

Select the prepaid option

Screen displaying various online payment methods

Over there, you’ll find three options: debit/credit card, PayPal, and a Prepaid option. The one we’re looking for is the right-most.

Apply your code

All that’s left now is to apply your code. If you got the code physically, copy it carefully so you don't accidentally type in the incorrect digit or letter. If you got the code online, then copy the code you received and paste it there.

And voila! You’ve successfully redeemed your code and added Valorant Points to your account!

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Why is my code not working?

If the code you sent is not working, there can be multiple reasons why it isn't. The most common problem is that plays copy the code incorrectly, so double-check what you typed and try again. If that doesn’t work, check if the code isn’t already redeemed because it can't be used twice.

If you’ve done both, we suggest you open an online support ticket with either Riot Games or the place you bought the key from so they can help you fix the problem.

What’s next?

Take your Valorant gameplay to the next level and climb the ranks with ease - buy Valorant boost now! Purchase Valorant Boost and start playing at the rank you deserve!

Alternatively, you can Join our Discord Server & participate in various giveaways!

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