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League of Legends: Best Tanks in Arena Mode

League of Legends: Best Tanks in Arena Mode

In the revamped League of Legends Arena Mode, tanks shine with new strategic options and dynamic gameplay. This mode’s unique augment system and expanded team structure allow tanks to fully utilize their potential. Here’s a look at the best tanks for Arena Mode and how specific augments enhance their abilities.

This article delves into the revamped League of Legends Arena Mode, spotlighting tanks renowned for their unkillability, tankiness, and crowd control prowess. Featuring stalwarts like Alistar, Cho'Gath, and Poppy, each inclusion is selected for their ability to dominate battles, soak up damage, and control engagements effectively, making them indispensable in the chaotic arena setting.

So without further delay, let us dive right into how you can become an Arena raid boss. 



A fierce fantasy monster attacking amidst a chaotic battle scene


Alistar's ability to soak up damage and disrupt enemies makes him a formidable tank. His crowd control skills, combined with natural tankiness, allow him to control the battlefield effectively. What makes Alistar the ultimate Arena pick is his ability to headbutt enemies into the storm. 

Best Augments



Majestic fiery dragon soaring over a mystical landscape


Cho'Gath's scaling health and disruptive abilities make him a terrifying presence in the Arena. His ultimate, which deals true damage and grants him permanent health, is particularly potent. Cho’gath is the ultimate final boss of Arena as his abilities become more and more disruptive with his size. 

Best Augments

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Fantasy warrior girl with a hammer in a mystical landscape


Poppy excels at protecting allies and controlling key areas of the map. Her steadfast presence and ability to interrupt enemy dashes make her a unique and valuable tank. Poppy’s E becomes a key ability in Arena, working best when the storm begins to shrink.

Best Augments

Dr. Mundo


Fantasy warrior with blue skin giving a thumbs up in a mystical setting


Dr. Mundo’s high health regeneration and resilience make him a sustained threat in any fight. His ability to continually regenerate health makes him hard to kill. Mundo’s main goal is to build as much health as possible mainly through Heartsteel. Combine this with a Spirit Visage for boosted healing on Ult and some resistances, Mundo will surely be a force to be reckoned with. 

Best Augments

Nunu & Willump


A magical blue creature glowing with mystical energy beside a young warrior in an enchanted forest


Nunu & Willump’s combination of crowd control and mobility makes them a versatile tank duo. Their snowballing abilities and ultimate provide significant disruption. For itemization, Nunu will build healing and shielding power with stuff like Moonstone and Spirit Visage, boosting his Q and making him further unkillable.

Best Augments

Related: LoL Arena: How to rank up faster.

Arena Mode in League of Legends offers a unique platform for tanks to shine with a variety of augments enhancing their capabilities. From Alistar’s unstoppable initiation to Nunu’s disruptive snowballs, each tank has a set of augments that can turn the tide of battle. Experiment with these combinations to find the perfect synergy and dominate the Arena.



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