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League of Legends: Everything about Swiftplay

League of Legends: Everything about Swiftplay

League of Legends continues to provide new ways for players to play the game. From new champions with abilities that force players to rethink how they play League of Legends to modes that change the tried and tested Summoner’s Rift formula, Riot Games ensures the game remains fresh for old players and relevant for newcomers.

One of the newest game modes is here to solve the largest problem most players have when it comes to League of Legends. We are, of course, talking about Swiftplay. Today, we’ll go through everything players need to know about League of Legends’ Swiftplay mode, including what it is and how it differs from Quickplay.

So, without further ado, here’s everything players need to know about Swiftplay in League of Legends. If you’re playing Swiftplay because the new season attracted too many try-hards for you to play ranked, we have you covered. Just hire a professional League of Legends booster from Eloking and watch your rank shoot up. You can even use the code “BoostToday” for a 20% discount.

What is Swiftplay?

Welcome to SwiftPlay, a new way to enjoy Summoner's Rift with faster games and authentic gameplay.

This mode will offer a quicker way to experience the core gameplay of Summoner’s Rift, designed to allow all 10 players to explore their champion’s potential within a League match to its max. While it maintains the same skill-based challenges as traditional gameplay, it offers a more forgiving approach to early-game disadvantages, reducing the impact of setbacks that can otherwise derail a match. This makes it an ideal option for players seeking a more relaxed experience in League of Legends.

However, this doesn’t mean Swiftplay won’t have a competitive edge. It’s still a player-versus-player experience where one team must emerge victorious. Nevertheless, the primary focus is shifting towards a greater emphasis on developing and mastering your champion. This mode can be compared to similar game modes in other titles such as Swiftplay in Valorant. It gives players a lower-stakes environment allowing them to engage with the game in a more relaxed yet still competitive manner.

What’s the difference between Swiftplay and Quickplay?

A cute monster character in a fantasy setting

In Swiftplay, several gameplay elements will be different than those found in Quickplay or other Summoner’s Rift modes, such as solo or draft queues. These adjustments are designed to provide a more relaxed and accessible experience, making Swiftplay an ideal option for players seeking a traditional yet casual way to enjoy the game.

A list of changes has been provided by the Riot Games devs, which reads as follows:

Nearly every resource of gold and experience in the game will provide progressively greater rewards as the match advances. This will ensure that players continue to gain more significant benefits as the game unfolds and the stakes grow higher. Only a few minor adjustments will be made to the initial phase of the planning stage. However, from that point onward, things will progress at a relatively faster pace, with a significant acceleration in the overall flow of the game.

Red turrets in League of Legends battle base

Players who find themselves significantly behind will receive increased gold and experience from most sources. The amount of scaling will be based on how far they’ve fallen behind. While this boost won’t be enough to instantly catapult them into the lead, it ensures that they’re never completely out of the game. Meaning there will be greater opportunities for a potential comeback.

Repeatedly farming the weakest player on the enemy team won’t be as effective for building a lead. This is because players struggling and falling behind will be worth significantly less gold. If you’re behind, you’ll become less of a burden to your team and still have opportunities to recover as the game progresses. On the contrary, dominating a single opponent during the laning phase won’t yield as much reward in this mode. Hence, balanced and team-focused gameplay is highly encouraged.

All champions near a dying enemy minion will receive some gold. The champion who lands the final hit will still earn the full gold value, while others in the vicinity will receive a smaller portion. It’s similar to how minion gold works in ARAM.

League of Legends season structure for 2025 and 2026

Supports in Swiftplay earn significantly more gold than traditional Summoner’s Rift, which has increased the cost of their items. To balance this, each item now provides considerably more stats, ensuring that supports don’t reach their item cap too quickly. This keeps them on par with other roles throughout the game.

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How will Swiftplay impact other queues?

An overview of a League of Legends map.

Apart from Quickplay, the introduction of Swiftplay will not impact other queues. Swiftplay will effectively replace Quickplay, which only makes sense since Riot aims to avoid long queue times. Maintaining both separately could potentially cause potential delays in the matchmaking process. By consolidating Quickplay and Swiftplay into a single queue, Riot is ensuring a more seamless and efficient experience for players, minimizing wait times while still offering engaging gameplay.

Who is Swiftplay for in League of Legends?

League of Legends victory screen

As we mentioned above, League of Legends has added the Swiftplay mode to ensure players can solve the most common problem. The problem we’re referring to is matches taking too long. Regular Summoner’s Rift games can usually last anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour, though not everyone has that much time.

While there’s always the option to play ARAM instead of the regular game mode, many players don’t like to do that. ARAM is drastically different from the regular Summoner’s Rift and doesn’t have any of the usual mechanics. Players simply push the same lane repeatedly and that can get infuriating or repetitive for some players.

That’s where Swiftplay comes in. Swiftplay retains most of the same mechanics the usual Summoner’s Rift mode does while also ensuring the game ends quickly. It’s perfect for those who want the true League of Legends experience but don’t have the time to sit through an entire game.


Is Swiftplay a new game mode in League of Legends?

Yes, Swiftplay is a brand-new game mode in League of Legends. It launched in League of Legends 2025 Season 1 and replaced the Quick Play game mode. It was revealed in November 2024 during the month’s development update [1] where fans learned about how it would work for the first time.

Is Swiftplay permanent in League of Legends? 

It’s unknown if Swiftplay will be permanent in League of Legends, as the developer updated stated the team would implement the new type of queueing and see where things go from there. However, if the game mode is successful then it may permanently replace Quick Play to become the premier mode players go to when they don’t have the time to play a full Summoner’s Rift game but still want to retain the original experience.

What’s the point of Swiftplay in League of Legends?

Swiftplay in League of Legends has a handful of purposes. The primary one is that it ensures players can finish games quickly without having to play modes that are different from the core League of Legends experience. After all, when someone thinks of League of Legends they don’t exactly think of ARAM or any other game mode.

While Quick Play already existed, Swiftplay is much different. After all, instead of just focusing on streamlining how players start the game by getting rid of the ban phase, the Swiftplay mode also ensures players can properly and quickly build their champions. The primary difference between the two is that players have more opportunities to gain gold in Swiftplay and they can’t target only one champion repeatedly. This ensures the flow of battle can turn with a single team fight.


  1. [1] "LoL Swiftplay dev update". Retrieved January 11, 2025

What’s next?

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