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Everything to know about TFT's Sugarcraft trait in Set 12

Everything to know about TFT's Sugarcraft trait in Set 12

Teamfight Tactics continues to come out with new traits that can help players increase the efficiency of their troops significantly. One of the most popular traits, especially in Set 12, is the Sugarcraft trait, although many players have no idea how the trait works and why people love it so much.

Today, we’re here to go through everything you need to know about the Sugarcraft trait in Teamfight Tactics. This includes how it works and what the new set mechanic is. By the end, you should be able to acquire enough information about it so you can be ready for it when it is released.

So, without further ado, here’s everything to know about TFT’s Sugarcraft trait.

How does the Sugarcraft trait work in TFT?

Trait Overview titled Sugarcraft describing a game feature with cartoon character icons and explanation of gameplay benefits

Starting with the bonus side, after each player’s combat phase, Sugarcrafters get Sugar for each item they have equipped in their team, increasing their Power and Attack damage by 10% for every layer. Players must collect enough Sugar to make a cake, which is ten layers. Once a player successfully makes a cake, they get a special treat after every 150 Sugar.

Only 5 Champions have access to the trait, with the list being:

The Breakpoints for the Sugarcraft trat in TFT Set 12 are 2/4/6. To hit the breakpoint of six, players must have a Sugarcraft Emblem. Here's a list of every bonus at each Breakpoint:
Two: Two Sugar per component, plus 15 ability power and attack damage
Four: Four Sugar per component, plus 30 ability power and attack damage
Six: Six Sugar per component, plus 50 ability power and attack damage.

What is the new set mechanic for TFT Set 12?

Cheerful female fantasy character in baker outfit with whimsical elements

The set mechanic that is coming for TFT Set 12 is called Charms. From Stage 2 onwards, Charms will start appearing in players’ shops by replacing one unit. It will be frequently available in the shop because it will appear in every other shop. Players can purchase Charms using their gold and get numerous extra effects like more loot, powering up traits, strengthening the board for one fight, and so on.

More than 100 Charms will be in TFT Set 12, and these Charms will range from small effects to powerful game-changing effects. Players can only purchase a single Charm every round, which means they must either buy the first one they see or re-roll the shop and hope for a better item.

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What Augments will be available in TFT Set 12?

Colorful animated character with a joyful expression

Discussing every Augment returning to TFT Set 12 will take too much time, so let’s focus on some of the main ones coming to the game. 

Hero Augments

Hero Augments are making a small return in TFT Set 12. These Augments can turn champions from being what they normally are into one of the strongest units in the match. The Augment in question is called Spider Queen. Even though it’s not a full comeback of Hero Augments, it’s a nice reference to an older set.

High Stakes Augments

High Stakes Augments are one of the new Augment categories coming to TFT in Set 12. An example of a High Stakes Augment is Fortune Favors the Brave II, where players will get a loot orb whenever they win a combat phase.

As the name suggests, High Stakes Augments have specific requirements that players must complete to get good rewards. Thanks to these Augments, Set 12 won’t include the usual high-risk economy traits.


When is TFT Set 12 releasing?

TFT Set 12: Inkborn Fables will launch on July 31, 2024, with patch 14.15. Depending on the timezone, some people might get their update on July 30, 2024, instead.

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