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Rocket League: How To Get Cyclone

Rocket League: How To Get Cyclone

Cyclone is a rare import body that comes with a breakout hitbox. It has a more narrow body type with a flatter design. Cyclone might have a great design, but the car is also easier to control when dribbling and flickering. It comes in many colors and options except for black. Despite this shortcoming, Cyclone has one of the best designs and is a good addition to any collection.

Players can unlock a Cyclone through different methods. They can buy from the item shop, build one through blueprints, or use a drop to win one. Most of these methods require time, patience, and a lot of luck. Taking the chance is the key, but trying too hard is not preferred, and we're here to go through every potential way to get this body in Rocket League.

So, if you want to learn how you can get your hands on the Cyclone in Rocket League all you have to do is keep reading! Of course, if you want to climb a high rank to flex your newly acquired car in, you can always use the code "BoostToday" to get a 20% discount on your next Rocket League boosting order.

Method #1: Wait for it to appear in the item shop

A purple sports car on the field in Rocket League game

The easiest way to get your hands on the Cyclone body is to buy it from the shop. Since its release on July 30, 2018, this import body has appeared twice in the item shop. The price for this ride is 500 credits, and it is worth every penny. Patience is the key, as no one knows when Cyclone will appear in the item shop.

Method #2: Use Blueprint or Drops

You can unlock Cyclone from blueprints and drops. The only catch is that this item can only be unlocked using the items from the Zephyr series. Players also have a chance of unlocking one from the import drops. Obtaining import drops and Zephyre blueprints can be a hassle, and players need a lot of good luck to get the ride they want.

Again, this method involves luck as it is not confirmed that the player will get a Cyclone blueprint from the drops. Of course, trading blueprints is technically how you can acquire any car in the game.

Method #3: Unlock one through a Golden Gift Crate

Golden Gift crates are special event crates. They are rare as they are available only during December each year. It is easy to unlock these crates. Players are required to complete specific tasks and win a crate on completion. These crates can have Zephyre blueprints. Unlocking the right blueprint can help you build a Cyclone.

The only problem is that this event only happens once every year, so patience is the key. Luck is also needed, as players never know what they will get. 

You can buy Cyclone in Fortnite

Orange sports car with racing stripes from Fortnite

You heard that right. Cyclones and many other bodies are available in Fortnite too. After all, the two games are both owned by Epic Games, so it makes sense that there would be some collaborations. You can unlock this ride as part of a bundle. The bundle costs around 1500 V-Bucks and has appeared 52 times in the Fortnite item shop. Buying a Cyclone in Fortnite also unlocks it in Rocket League, as both games own it.

Considering how Cyclone has appeared so many times, it is better to unlock it from Fortnite than wait for it to appear in the Rocket League item shop. The only issue is that you will have to spend a lot more than what it would cost in Rocket League.

What’s next?

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