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3 Tips to Climb Rank As a DPS in Overwatch 2

3 Tips to Climb Rank As a DPS in Overwatch 2

Climbing the ranks of any FPS game isn't an easy task as you can imagine. After all, there are so many variables to take into consideration and so much competition to rise above. However, climbing the ranks of a free to play game like Overwatch 2 is even more difficult, especially if your main role is DPS.

To climb rank as a DPS in Overwatch 2, you first need to pick the right hero to complement your playstyle. When you're done, start improving your game sense, aim, and learn the ins and outs of your chosen hero so you can best take advantage of all the abilities offered to you. Finally, try to communicate with your healers and tanks to start winning big.

We'll be going through several tips that are bound to help you improve your winning chances as a DPS in Overwatch 2 so you can start climbing the ranks.

Decide on the Best DPS Hero for Yourself

Collection of Overwatch game characters showing diverse heroesOf course, you can't play Overwatch 2 without first selecting a hero. Although every DPS hero has their own pros and cons, the fact of the matter is that specific heroes are better suited for specific playstyles.

Take being sneaky and getting up close and personal with the enemy to take them out with some heavy damaging shots for example. If you feel like this suits you, then we recommend you give Reaper a shot since he should be right up your alley.

If you would rather stay behind and take the enemy out with some well placed shots then someone like Widowmaker or Soldier 76 might be better for you as they're both heroes who prefer to keep their distance when engaging with an enemy.

If you were curious who the DPS hero with the best winning statistics was, then you might be surprised to hear that Ash has the best win rate of any champion, with a more than 50% win rate. 

Start Learning That Champion

Okay, so you're done selecting the DPS hero you want to main. Now, you want to start learning the ins and outs of that specific champion. We recommend playing that champion in quick play or elimination matches to better get used to it.

What you want to do is mostly get used to the various abilities every hero has. For example, if the DPS you settles on was Tracer, then you need to start using the blink ability sparingly instead of spamming it. Additionally, you also have to ensure you can get the most out of both her recall ability, as well as her pulse bomb since timing is key for both of them.

A futuristic urban street scene with double pistols in the foregroundOne thing we always recommend is that you have two heroes you main instead of one. One that relies more on the support of teammates, and another that can perform well alone without any problem. This way you'll have a little more flexibility in your choosing, and you'll be less likely to burn out as well.

Improve Your Aim and Movement

After learning everything there is to learn about your hero, the next step is to improve both your aiming as well as your movement. After all, at its core Overwatch 2 is still an FPS game, so aiming and movement are both factors that heavily influence your win rate.

By far the best way to improve your aiming is by setting and following an aim labs routine that's made specifically for this game. To help you, we've already come up with the best Overwatch 2 Aim Labs routine. Not only will this routine help you with your aim, but it'll also polish your movement and game sense so you're able to get more eliminations in actual matches.

Of course, it's always recommended to play a quick play match after finishing up the routine just to seal the deal and ensure you're ready to face actual players instead of the bots that Aim Labs has.

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Start Communicating More

We know no one was looking forward to this one, but Overwatch 2 is a team based game, and that means communication between team members is EXTREMELY important if you want to win matches.

We aren't saying hop on game chat every single match to communicate with what are essentially complete strangers, but you should try to use the in game pings as frequently as possible any time you either need a tank to help you push or a support to heal you.

Players coordinating a defensive strategy in a team-based action gameIf you're a console player then you can do this by pressing the d-pad on your controller, while PC players have to press the middle button on their mouse. Pings are pretty much unavoidable when it comes to such a fast paced game, and letting your thoughts be known to the players that are expected to protect you will help you do your job more efficiently (the job being dealing damage and getting eliminations).

What’s next?

Ready to level up your gameplay and climb the ranks in Overwatch 2? Purchase our top-notch Eloking Overwatch 2 Boost now and dominate the competition like never before! Purchase Overwatch 2 Boost and start playing at the rank you deserve!

Alternatively, you can Join our Discord Server & participate in various giveaways!

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