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All Valorant Episodes and Acts (May 2023)

All Valorant Episodes and Acts (May 2023)

Valorant is one of the most popular games right now, with it having over 15 million monthly players. However, if the game was to stay the same, then the player count would have dropped a long time ago due to burnout and boredom.

That's where Valorant acts come in. An act is essentially a competitive timeframe where, when an act ends, the battle pass gets reset and a new agent or map is released with the following act (most of the time). Three acts make up an episode and are all of around two months each, meaning an episode lasts for around six months.

Additionally, every episode brings a new cinematic trailer that ties into the lore of Valorant. To keep you all up to date, we will also be including official Youtube links to watch them after discussing the episodes themselves.

Previous Valorant episodes and their acts

First, we'll be going through all the acts that have already ended throughout the run of the game. To make it easier, we'll be dividing all acts by the episodes they were a part of.

Episode 1: Ignition (June 2nd, 2020 - January 12th, 2021)



New Agent

New Map


June 2nd, 2020 - August 4th, 2020




August 4th, 2020 - 13th October, 2020




October 13th, 2020 - January 12th, 2021



The cinematic trailer this episode launched with was titled  "Duelist" and can be viewed here.

Episode 2: Formation (January 12th, 2021 - June 22nd, 2021)



New Agent

New Map


January 12th, 2021 - March 2nd, 2021




March 2nd, 2021 - April 27th, 2021




April 27th, 2021 - June 22nd, 2021



The cinematic trailer this episode launched with was titled  "Retake" and can be viewed here.

Episode 3: Reflection (June 22nd, 2021 - January 11th, 2022)



New Agent

New Map


June 22nd, 2021 - September 8th, 2021




September 8th, 2021 - November 2nd, 2021




November 2nd, 2021 - January 11th, 2022



The cinematic trailer this episode launched with was called  "Duality" and can be viewed here

Episode 4: Disruption (January 11th, 2022 - June 22nd, 2022)



New Agent

New Map


January 11th, 2022 - March 1st, 2022




March 1st, 2022 - April 27th, 2022




April 27th, 2022 - June 22nd, 2022



The cinematic trailer this episode launched with was titled  "Warm Up" and can be viewed here.

Episode 5: Dimension (June 22nd, 2022 - January 10th, 2023)



New Agent

New Map


June 22nd, 2022 - August 23rd, 2022




August 23rd, 2022 - October 18th, 2022




October 18th, 2022 - January 10th, 2023



Learning the ins and outs of a new map is always difficult, and that's exactly what was the case with Pearl. Fortunately, we have guides on both how to best attack in Pearl if you want to win every attacking round, as well as how to best defend in Pearl if you ever find yourself on the defending team. No matter what side you're on, Eloking has you covered.

Just like every other episode, episode 5 came with a cinematic release as well. This time it was titled  "Shattered" and can be viewed here.

Current Valorant Episode

Promotional artwork for Valorant Revelation Episode 06 showing dynamic characters in action

Now that we have gone through all the previous episodes and their acts, let us discuss the one that is currently ongoing at the time of writing. 

The episode going on at the time of writing is called "Revelation" and it's the sixth episode of the game. Having started back on the 10th of January, it has since been going on for quite some months and is expected to end around the middle of June. However, there has not been any exact ending date as of yet.

Similar to most of the previous Episodes, Revelation brought with it three acts. The first act introduced a brand new map named Lotus. This map made a bunch of changes to the game, and now has a completely unique set of best agents to use on Lotus.

Additionally, the Agent Gekko game in Act 2, while a brand new game mode called Premier was in Act 3. At the time of writing, this Episode is still going on and is estimated to have around a month until it ends.

Revelation also brought with it a brand new cinematic that can be seen here.

Current Valorant act

The Act currently ongoing is Episode 6's Act 3. Similar to the second act of Episode 4, however, it did not come with any new map or agent, but it did come with a game mode called Premier. Starting on April 25th, 2023, it is estimated to run till the middle of June, with many players predicting the 27th of June to be the exact date.

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Upcoming Valorant act

As soon as Episode 6's third act comes to an end, the 7th episode will be starting. As for what is to be expected, because we're at least an entire month away from the end of Episode 6, we have no information as of yet. However, just like always, we'll be the first to let you guys know of anything new.

What’s next?

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