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League of Legends: Aurelion Sol is Getting Massive Buffs

League of Legends: Aurelion Sol is Getting Massive Buffs

Riot Games has unveiled significant changes to Aurelion Sol, the Star Forger, on the PBE. These updates encompass buffs to all his abilities, aiming to enhance his performance and viability in the current meta. Players can expect a more powerful and versatile space dragon on Summoner's Rift.

Aurelion Sol’s buffs include increased base attack damage, adjustments to his Q ability’s mana usage, a substantial range increase for his W, a static mana cost for his E, and enhanced damage for his ultimate. These changes collectively enhance his laning phase, roaming potential, and late-game power.

Let us dive deeper into all these changes and evaluate Aurelion Sol’s potential impact on the Rift.  

Increased Base Attack Damage

Aurelion Sol’s base AD has been increased. This change will allow him to hit harder with his passive stars and make last-hitting minions easier. The increased base AD helps him trade more effectively in the early game and ensures he can farm more reliably under pressure.

Q Ability - Breath of Light

Fantasy game character casting a magic spell in a lush green environment

The Q ability, has seen a slight nerf in terms of mana usage. Now, when activated, it instantly consumes 30 mana, representing one second’s worth of cast time mana. This change requires players to commit more to using it rather than spamming it intermittently. 

However, after the initial 30 mana is consumed, it won’t drain any more mana until after the first second, maintaining its previous functionality. While this is technically a nerf, it isn’t substantial enough to overshadow the overall buffs Aurelion Sol is receiving.

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W Ability - Astral Flight

One of the most significant changes comes to his W ability, Astral Flight. Previously, it had a range of 1200 at all ranks, increasing only with stardust. Now, the range starts at 1500 and scales up to 1900. This nearly doubles his flying range, drastically improving his mobility and map presence. 

This buff allows Aurelion Sol to engage and disengage from fights more effectively, providing greater strategic options during both laning and team fights.

E Ability - Singularity

Comet of Legend’s mana cost has been adjusted to be more player-friendly. Previously, the mana cost started at 80 and increased to 100 as it leveled up. Now, it will consistently cost 80 mana at all ranks. This change offsets the mana nerf to his Q ability, making his mana usage more efficient overall. 

Additionally, Comet of Legend will no longer stop summoned minions, such as Yorick’s Mist Walkers, making it less disruptive to certain gameplay interactions.

Ultimate Ability - Falling Star

Fantasy game character battling a monster in a mystical forest

Aurelion Sol’s ultimate ability, Voice of Light, has received a substantial boost in power. The base damage has increased from 150/250/350 to 200/325/450 at max rank. Furthermore, the AP scaling has been improved from 65% to 75%. The empowered damage of the ult, which scales with the base damage, has also been increased.

This means that at max level with a full build, Aurelion Sol’s ultimate will deliver significantly higher burst damage, making it a more formidable tool in team fights and skirmishes.

Related: League of Legends: New Middle East Server - Everything You Need to Know.

Overall, these changes represent a major buff for Aurelion Sol, enhancing his early game laning, mid-game roaming, and late-game team fight potential. With increased base attack damage, a more strategic use of his Q, a vastly improved W range, a consistent mana cost for his E, and a significantly stronger ultimate, Aurelion Sol is poised to be a more impactful champion in League of Legends. 

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