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Everything that came to Valorant Patch 9.10

Everything that came to Valorant Patch 9.10

Riot Games is one of the most consistent studios when it comes to releasing updates and patches for its games. League of Legends is popular for these updates, but what some fans don’t know is that Valorant also consistently gets patches and tweaks. While Valorant doesn’t have nearly as many playable characters as Riot’s MOBA, it still requires tweaks to ensure the game remains relevant and fresh.

Now, Valorant Patch 9.10 just came out, and players worldwide are hopping into the game for the first time since downloading the patch. While many patches don’t have much for players to talk about, this has gone down as one of the most important patches in Valorant, largely thanks to the brand-new regenerating shield players can purchase.

So, to ensure players know exactly what to expect, we figured we’d go through everything that came to Valorant with patch 9.10. If you want to learn everything about the new agent changes and shield then we highly recommend you hire a professional Valorant coach from Eloking to show you the ropes. You can even use the code “BoostToday” for an easy 20% discount on your order.

New Armor: Regen Shield

Screenshot showing the new armor type with regeneration shield in a video game interface

Cost and Features: The newest addition to the arsenal is the Regen Shield which is priced at 650 credits. This gives players a defensive option, absorbing up to 25 damage and fully protecting you till it reaches that limit. Once the shield hits the limit, it triggers a regeneration phase and gradually starts restoring the HP up to 50. The recharge takes a bit of time which gives you important breathing room to adjust your strategy and prepare for the next engagement.

Strategic Impact: The Regen Shield shakes up the gameplay and offers some tactical flexibility for defensive players. It lets you take hits without immediately dropping your health and lets you push back aggressively or fall back. It can affect the meta by making positioning and utility more important.

Agent Updates and Balancing

Animated character with a futuristic outfit and black hair

Cypher: Cypher’s latest changes tune his Trap Wire and Ultimate. The wind-up time for Trap Wire is increased by 0.5 seconds which gives opponents a fairer chance to counter. The cost of his ultimate, Neural Theft, has been bumped up from 6 to 7 points.

These tweaks balance Cypher’s surveillance abilities and the need for counterplay options. Cypher’s pick rates have been through the roof recently, and these changes will likely bring them down.

Sage: Sage gets a buff and is now even better at stalling attackers. Her Healing Orb now restores 50 HP giving her more impact. The Slowing Orb now slows enemies down by 50% making it fantastic against hyper-mobile duelists like Jett and Neon. Her Resurrection Ultimate’s cost is reduced from 8 to 7 points making it more accessible.

Stylish animated male character with a modern haircut and white jacket

Phoenix: Phoenix’s adjustments help him shine as an aggressive duelist. His Curve Ball is now a signature ability that resets after two kills per round. His Blaze ability now works like Harbor’s High Tide, passing through walls to block vision without exposing Phoenix. This change let him take on a more dynamic role.

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Map Updates and Sunset Enhancements

Vibrant view of a futuristic cityscape with modern structures and traditional buildings

The Sunset map gets a big glow-up with improvements to global lighting in darker areas. It's now easier to spot enemies and maneuver around without poor visibility. This update will be a game changer in clutch moments like holding or retaking bomb sites. It's a part of Valorant’s effort to make maps more player-friendly and enhance the experience.

Refining Core Gameplay Mechanics

Anime character leaping between buildings in a vibrant cityscape

Combat Report Overhaul: There has been a key update to the Combat Report which ensures that utility usage stats are now displayed after the round ends rather than after a player dies.

This eliminates the possibility of gaining an unfair advantage during live rounds by having access to utility usage info. This change will promote a more strategic and deliberate play while also rewarding players with effective utility usage. There will also be a balance between tactical integrity and preventing opponents from exploiting revealed info.

Concuss Changes: The concuss effect is adjusted to slow dashes by 50%, which will affect movement-heavy duelists like Jett and Neon. The impact of concusses will be greater and provide a more effective counter to agile agents.

It also opens up defensive options such as Omen’s smokes which will hinder fast dashes and control high mobility plays. The adjustments create a more balanced dynamic and give a better challenge to mobility-focused agents.

Tuning and Adjustments to Pistol and Rifle Accuracy

A sleek futuristic gun with silver and black accents on a dark blue background

Pistol Inaccuracy Changes: The update makes many changes to the pistol’s accuracy during movement. Apart from the Shorty, all pistols now have increased inaccuracy when moving while crouching or running. This will encourage players to focus a lot more on their positioning and movements during engagements. The movement and accuracy will now be tied even closer than before. 

Frenzy and Ghost Bullet Count Adjustments: Apart from accuracy changes, Frenzy’s magazine size is increased from 13 to 15, while Ghost’s has been reduced. This helps address some balance issues and gives the Frenzy more sustained fire while making the Ghost slightly less forgiving. 

Bug Fixes and Quality Updates

Agent-Specific Fixes: Some quality-of-life updates have been made to Killjoy and Clove. Killjoy’s utility behaves more consistently and her Nanoswarm and Lockdown abilities will trigger as intended. Clove’s abilities also see improvements, with better clarity between ally and enemy Ruse casts. 

Map Fixes: Pearl, Breeze, and Sunset all receive fixes with a focus on ambient audio issues. These fixes mean players will now hear footsteps, utility, and other things more clearly than before, helping with situational awareness.

Premier Updates and Competitive Enhancements

Premier logo on a textured black background with line patterns

Division Updates: The competitive system has received updates to both division visuals and rank qualification criteria. The new division visuals clearly show a player’s progress through ranks and mark the cutoff points for different divisions.

Qualification and Eligibility: Changes to the system now mean more players will have a chance at competing at higher levels. With updated criteria for promotion, players have a clearer path to reach their desired rank.

Client Updates

The new QR Code Login feature makes the login more convenient and safe. Players can quickly sign into their accounts by scanning a QR code which reduces the time and hassle of doing it manually. The feature is part of Valorant’s ongoing effort to make the user experience better.


Which agent got the most buffed in Valorant Patch 9.10?

By far the agent to get the best treatment in Valorant’s patch 9.10 is Phoenix. Valorant’s poster character Phoenix has seen a decline in pick rates, so things like his flaming wall going through objects and his curve wall being more usable will definitely help with this agent’s pick rate.

However, fans are a little mad that Neon hasn’t been nerfed yet. Neon, especially in low-rank lobbies, is seen as a dominating force thanks to her fast speed and accurate shooting. Therefore, many players are asking for her to finally get a nerf, though Riot hasn’t stated whether that’ll happen yet.

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