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Top 5 Junglers That Can Solo Baron in LoL
Jack Willa
18 May 2024
Posted On
Baron Nashor, the fearsome objective and guardian of the Rift, holds immense power for any team that claims its life. But what if you, the lone jungler, could conquer this behemoth all by yourself? Well, with the right champion and build, it's not just a dream, it's a strategic reality.
The best champions to solo the Baron are those with high DPS, sustain, and some kind of resistance shred built into either their kit or acquired through items. Putting this criteria in perspective, we have finalized five champions that will get the job done. These are Master Yi, Warwick, Udyr, Nunu, and Briar.
Mastering these champions or even the act of soloing Baron will not be as simple as it seems. For maximum results and to gather knowledge surrounding these objectives, we recommend you hire a professional coach from Eloking. Luckily, now you can even get a 20% discount if you use the code "BoostToday".
So without further delay, here are the five champions that are worthy of Soloing the Baron in Season 14.
1. Master Yi
Master Yi embodies the lone warrior fantasy, and nowhere is this more evident than his Baron-slaying potential. With his on-hit damage, sustain, and attack speed boosts, Yi shreds through the Baron like butter. Here's why he excels:
Alpha Strike (Q): Master Yi deals a barrage of attacks dealing maximum damage to a single target, Baron in this case, while also being immune to its attacks.
Meditate (W): He becomes resilient to damage, letting him heal through Baron's magic and DoT effects.
Wuju Style (E): Grants bonus true damage on attacks, shredding through Baron's resistances
Highlander (R): This ultimate grants a significant amount of attack speed, allowing Master Yi to shred through Baron in no time.
Build: Focus on attack speed (Rageblade, Kraken Slayer) and attack damage (Blade of the Ruined King) for maximum DPS. Consider lifesteal (Bloodthirster) or even a Guardian Angel which will seal your triumph over Baron.
2. Warwick
Warwick is a high sustain bruiser, making him surprisingly resilient against Baron's damage. His healing and damage output makes him a formidable foe for the Rift guardian. His strong points against Baron include:
Eternal Hunger (Passive): Warwick heals based on damage dealt, offering incredible sustain.
Jaws of the Beast (Q): This is the bread & butter for Warwick, he takes a chunk out of the enemy while healing himself for the damage dealt.
Blood Hunt (W): The passive of this ability gives Warwick increasing attack speed against targets with less than 50% max health which is ideal in this situation.
Build: Opt for tanky-bruiser items with sustain (Spirit Visage, Sundered Sky, Titanic Hydra) and damage (Blade of the Ruined King). Consider attack speed (Triforce) if your clear speed needs a boost.
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3. Udyr
Udyr is a versatile fighter with stances that offer sustain, damage, and crowd control. His flexibility makes him adaptable to various situations, including a solo Baron showdown. The following abilities shine the most in the undertaking of this task:
Wilding Claw (Q): This stance provides attack speed and healing, helping him deal and endure damage, the awakened form of this ability deals huge chunks of damage, especially to isolated targets.
Iron Mantle (W): This stance grants shields and reduces damage taken, crucial for tanking Baron's hits.
Wingborne Storm (R): One of the champion's strongest damage-dealing abilities, Udyr summons a storm that deals significant damage in the area around him with the awakened form dealing targets maximum health damage which is ideal for Baron.
Build: Build a mix of tanky and damage items based on your needs. Spirit Visage is a must for healing, while Triforce offers significant damage and attack speed which is ideal for cycling through different forms.
4. Nunu & Willump
Nunu stands out in this list as the only AP champion due to his massive Q healing. Combining his abilities with Willump's tankiness opens a window for him to solo Baron. While it is safer to go tank, you can even solo Baron with a full AP build as the healing from Q and Ult scale significantly with AP.
Consume (Q): This ability heals Nunu and Willump based on the devoured monster's health, offering surprising sustain.
Snowball Barrage (E): Nunu hurls three sets of snowballs at the target, meaning extra DPS on the Baron.
Absolute Zero (R): Nunu gains a shield mitigating incoming Baron damage while charging a surprisingly heavy damage-dealing attack around him.
Build: You can either go a tanky build with Spirit Visage and Sunfire as core items, or you can go for a full AP build with items like Stormsurge, Rocketbelt, Malignance, and Shadowflame. A Deathcap can provide a huge AP boost for your Q heals and Ult output.
5. Briar
Briar is a relatively recent addition to the jungle roster, bringing unique mechanics and ferocious potential. While still going under frequent changes, here's how she has a high potential for soloing Baron:
Crimson Curse (Passive): Briar's consecutive attacks deal increasing amounts of damage while also applying a bleed.
Head Rush (Q): Briar leaps to a target dealing damage while also peeling off resistances from the target, which is ideal against Baron's defenses.
Blood Frenzy (W): This mechanic grants attack speed, lifesteal, and movement speed but impairs judgment and prioritizes nearby enemies. The second part of this ability "Snack Attack" chunks the target and heals Briar for 5% of her max health, this can offer additional sustain against Baron.
Build: You should aim for more of a bruiser AD build with core items like Sundered Sky and Titanic Hydra, paired with Triforce for high DPS. You can also attempt baron with full damage items but it might be riskier to tread that path with the squishy nature of Briar.
Soloing Baron is a risky but rewarding maneuver that requires specific champions and builds. Master Yi, Warwick, Udyr, Nunu, and Briar have proven their capabilities in this regard, offering different approaches based on their unique strengths.
It should be mentioned that these champions are not the only ones worthy of this feat, there can be many others that with the right build may succeed as well. Remember, even with the "right" champion, attempting a solo Baron requires careful planning, execution, and a bit of luck to pull off successfully.