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Here is the best sensitivity for Marvel Rivals

Here is the best sensitivity for Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals [1] is one of the most successful games of 2024 and with the start of 2025, it doesn’t seem that’s going to change. With so many different fan-favorite Marvel characters to play as and master combined with the excellently enjoyable gameplay, it’s only natural that fans worldwide are constantly jumping into it for the first time.

Today, we want to highlight arguably the most important thing players must master in Marvel Rivals, which is sensitivity. Even though Marvel Rivals isn’t a first-person shooter like Overwatch 2, aim plays a crucial role in the game, and those who want to hit epic headshots as Hawkeye or Black Widow will want to learn what the best sensitivity for players is.

So, without further ado, here is the best sensitivity in Marvel Rivals. Of course, a good way to find your personal best sensitivity is by playing alongside a professional Marvel Rivals player and having them give you  ahand.

What is the best keyboard and mouse sensitivity in Marvel Rivals?

Game settings showing mouse horizontal and vertical sensitivity options

Before anything, let us jump into the best sensitivity for players playing Marvel Rivals with a keyboard and mouse. Naturally, the best sensitivity is fairly subjective depending on the character the player chooses and their personal playing style. Therefore, we can’t confidently tell players what the best objective sensitivity is.

However, what we can do is go through the mouse settings that are recommended for players. Many high-level streamers and players use these settings, so they should serve as an excellent baseline for players looking for a good middle point for their sensitivity.

These mouse settings are highly recommended.

Recommended crosshair settings for mouse and keyboard players

Naturally, in addition to the core sensitivity, it’s also crucial for players to have the perfect crosshair. While, like sensitivity, crosshairs are also subjective, we thought we’d still go through the ideal crosshair most professionals use to help you form a baseline.

What is the best controller sensitivity for Marvel Rivals?

Settings for aim sensitivity curve type in a controller configuration

Some may assume that the same sensitivity as the keyboard and mouse version of the game would slide for controller players. However, that isn’t the case. On the contrary, controller players usually require a higher sensitivity to ensure they can react quickly. After all, analog sticks aren’t nearly as accurate and fast as a mouse. Therefore, the faster the sensitivity, the faster players can react to enemy attacks.

As with the sensitivity for keyboard and mouse players, there isn’t any objectively good sensitivity. Therefore, we’ll go through the sensitivity that most professional players go with to ensure readers can construct their own baseline.

Recommended crosshair for controller players

A character engaging in combat in a futuristic environment.

As mentioned above, Marvel Rivals isn’t a first-person game and players will most often see their character’s back. However, that doesn’t mean a good crosshair can’t make a major difference. 

Again, there’s no objectively good crosshair for Marvel Rivals players playing the game with a controller. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t give a baseline crosshair for players to adjust as they see fit.

Eagle-eyed fans may notice that this crosshair is significantly brighter than the default one, and there’s a reason for this. The reticle dot gives pinpoint focus and reduces screen clutter in high-intensity moments. The bright green will contrast well in various environments and lets you track your aim without blending in with your surroundings.

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How to turn off Mouse Acceleration in Marvel Rivals

A player engaging in dynamic action in a shooter game.

Mouse acceleration is arguably the most annoying setting in the game. Not only does it adjust the sensitivity based on the player’s movement speed, but it doesn’t notify the player of the change. In a game where quick reactions are everything, it’s only natural that players can find themselves missing a lot more with their rapidly moving sensitivity.

What’s more, players can’t disable this option from the settings. Of course, this only applies to players playing the game on a PC using a keyboard and mouse, as mouse acceleration is usually absent on most controllers. Regardless, this can cause major annoyance for PC players.

Fortunately, that doesn’t mean we don’t have a way for players to disable mouse acceleration in Marvel Rivals.

  1. Open the Run dialog (Windows+R)
  2. Copy and paste the following path, replacing “YOURUSERNAMEHERE” with the user profile where you save data is stored:


  1. Press Enter, and this will open the location of your system settings save file.
  2. Right-click the GameUserSetting file and open it with Notepad.
  3. At the bottom of the file, copy and paste the following line of code: 


With this done, save and close the file to discover that you would have completely disabled mouse acceleration in Marvel Rivals. Of course, those who want to enable it can simply remove the code and restart the game.

Can you get banned for disabling mouse acceleration in Marvel Rivals?

A hero engaging in action during an Overwatch game.

Now, some players may wonder whether their Marvel Rivals account can get banned for disabling mouse acceleration. After all, it requires players to tamper with the game files, right? Well, it’s a little hard to tell for certain.

It’s true that tweaking or adjusting game files is against the Marvel Rivals Terms of Service. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean players will get banned for disabling mouse acceleration. No player thus far has gotten their account banned for this, as it doesn’t negatively affect any player in the game. This is why things like changing character models using mods don’t result in a ban either, as it’s only tweaking the game for the player.

With that being said, it’s obviously a good idea to handle these things with care. Those who can disable mouse acceleration from their Windows settings should do so, and those who don’t really care about the setting should let it be. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Can keyboard and mouse players aim better in Marvel Rivals?

It’s a fact that a player playing Marvel Rivals using a keyboard and mouse will likely aim better than someone paying with a controller. A mouse is faster and more accurate, alongside being less bulky. The better someone is at using their hand the better they’ll be at aiming with their mouse, something that doesn’t apply to a controller’s analog stick.

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean players on keyboard and mouse are better at the game. Marvel Rivals has various factors that determine how a match goes, from ultimate abilities to the skill of teammates. This is why the game has crossplay, and also why those playing in crossplay lobbies are able to win regardless of what type of controls they use. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to ensure you’re using the best settings to get whatever advantage you can.


  1. [1] "Official Marvel Rivals website". Retrieved January 03, 2025

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