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Everything to know about Path of Exile 2’s passive skill tree

Everything to know about Path of Exile 2’s passive skill tree

Creating the type of character you want plays a huge role in Path of Exile 2 [1]. With so many different classes to choose from, many players assume that a character’s class is the only thing that determines what sort of play style that character has. However, things go way above that with proper gear and skills to unlock.

Today, we want to dive deep into passive skill trees in Path of Exile 2. This includes what the passive skill tree is in the game and how players can understand the layout and attributes. Additionally, we’ll also cover what types of nodes are on the passive skill tree and how players can respec it if they want, especially for beginners.

So, without further ado, here’s everything players need to know about the passive skill tree in Path of Exile 2.

What is the Passive Skill Tree in Path of Exile 2?

Path of Exile skill tree map interface

Path of Exile 2 has a Passive Skill Tree system that lets players make almost whatever build they desire. It’s an essential feature that fans must learn because that’s how they can progress their character by shaping their abilities and strengths. Although every class shares the Passive Skill Tree, the starting area depends on what class the player is using, allowing diverse builds.

The Passive Skill Tree in Path of Exile 2 is designed to align with the game's three main attributes. The main attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence. Every time the player levels up, they’ll get one Passive Skill Tree point they can spend to activate nodes. These nodes can strengthen attributes, give bonuses, or unlock skills that can change the gameplay.

Understanding the Passive Skill Tree’s layout and attributes

An overview of the Path of Exile skill tree with a character in the center.

The Passive Skill Tree in Path of Exile 2 is split into numerous sections, representing different attributes depending on the starting class.

A witch casting arcane magic in a dark setting

Although every class starts in a predefined section, players can upgrade beyond that area, providing flexibility. After spending enough Passive Skill points, players can navigate across sections. For example, an Intelligence-based Sorceress can start buying Strength nodes to create an unconventional melee-focused build. This flexibility allows players to create unique builds, although unrecommended for beginners.

What types of nodes are on the Passive Skill Tree?

Path of Exile skill tree overview

Nodes in the Passive Skill Tree are split into four main types, all with different uses.

Weapon Specialization and Node Flexibility

Skills interface in Path of Exile showcasing character customization options.

A great thing about the Passive Skill Tree is that it works with the weapon specialization system. Whatever nodes a player activates are linked to the weapon they have equipped, increasing flexibility.

Players can equip a secondary weapon set that lets them assign sets of nodes for each weapon. This mechanic enables dynamic build-switching, depending on the situation. For example, someone using the Warrior class can focus on Strength-based nodes for melee combat with a sword, then switch to Dexterity-based nodes for bows and other long-ranged weapons.

The Passive Skill Tree represents these configurations with different colors, allowing players to track and manage different setups.

How can players respec if they want to change their build?

Skill tree showing Raw Destruction with increased spell damage and intelligence boost.

Path of Exile 2 allows players to respec Passive Skill Tree nodes later in the game. After completing a quest in Act 1, they unlock an NPC called the Hooded One, who stays in town. Gamers can interact with him and spend gold to refund nodes so they can use those skill points in something else.

Alternatively, players can also use Orbs of Regret to refund one passive skill point. Players can farm Orbs of Regret to refund all the passive skill points they want to respec their build essentially. This can come in handy in case players mess up their character’s build or accidentally unlock passive skills they don’t like.


Are passive skills important in Path of Exile 2?

They are, yes. Passive skills can potentially help perfect a build any player may be going for. While they aren’t the only thing players must keep in mind, they’re still invaluable, which is why players should think a lot before unlocking any passive skill.

Is it hard to refund passive skill points in PoE 2?

Refunding passive skill points in Path of Exile 2 is fairly simple as all players must do is use an Orb of Regret. However, this currency can be a little rare to acquire, which is why some players tend to save their orbs until they really need them. We don’t think this is a good way to play the game, and those who want extra orbs should get them from the Eloking Path of Exile 2 marketplace.


  1. [1] "Official PoE 2 website". Retrieved December 15, 2024

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