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How to ban heroes in Marvel Rivals

How to ban heroes in Marvel Rivals

Competitive games usually have a lot of different weapons and playable characters that ensure things remain fresh for players. However, hero shooters like Overwatch 2 also usually implement a ban system, or at least something similar. Marvel Rivals is the same, though some things set it apart from other games.

While Marvel Rivals has a banning system, it’s rather unique. Not only does it unlock when you reach the diamond rank, but unlike other games that have a banning system like League of Legends, the system doesn’t implement a majority ban system. Thanks to this, some players may struggle to understand how it works. Fortunately, we’re here to help with that.

Here’s everything to know about the Marvel Rivals banning system, including how it works and when it unlocks.

Marvel Rivals ban system explained

A dynamic game character in hero selection screen

In Marvel Rivals [1] competitive matches, the ban system adds a strategic twist, allowing teams to narrow down their opponent’s hero options. Before the game begins, both teams can ban two heroes each, eliminating up to four characters from the pool of available heroes. However, If both teams ban the same hero then that hero is banned for both teams, and there are only three bans in total for the match [2]. Thanks to this, if both teams ban the same hero in both ban phases then only two characters will get banned.

The banning process incorporates a voting system so players can choose which heroes are banned. Players vote sequentially one at a time for the most desirable bans from their end, and each player's vote weighs differently according to participation, keeping it fair. Because of this, majority votes don’t necessarily mean that the hero will get banned, as even one player voting to ban a different character will be counted as an individual vote with the weightage it deserves.

Why does Marvel Rivals have a ban system?

A dynamic hero surrounded by flames in action

Banning really comes in handy when dealing with overpowered enemies and teams. For instance, if you know an opponent is very good with a certain hero, you can ban that hero to eliminate their strength- ultimately forcing them to adapt. 

In the same way, if the opposing team is using a strategy that relies on a specific hero’s ability or ultimate, you can ruin their plans by banning that hero. This provides a further level of complexity to Marvel Rivals, as teams can either ban heroes they have trouble with or use the bans to break up their opponents' main strategies.

Alternatively, it’s important to keep in mind that Marvel Rivals is a competitive game with multiple changes constantly getting made through updates and patches. Those who don’t want to go up against heroes they know are overpowered, whether because of a seasonal buff or some other reason, may want to ban that hero from the competitive game entirely. Of course, different ranks have different heroes that usually get banned.

When does the ban system unlock in Marvel Rivals?

Rank Promotion: Diamond III

In Marvel Rivals, not everyone can ban heroes initially. To take advantage of this system, you must be playing competitive and be at least diamond rank

While it might seem unfair, in the lower ranks strategic decisions aren’t common since the main focus is to improve the game mechanics and master hero abilities. This limitation also keeps lower-ranked players from abusing the ban feature since they might not yet have a complete understanding of the game.

On the other hand, diamond players and above are well-versed in using strategies to counter opponents and win matches. They have a better understanding of hero lineups and are usually experienced with multiple different heroes instead of having a single main, like in lower lobbies, allowing them to adjust if their first choice gets banned.

The choice to restrict hero bans to Diamond players has been met with conflicting views within the Marvel Rivals community. Some believe that permitting bans across all ranks would introduce greater strategic complexity, while others are in favor of restricting it due to the reasons above.

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Tips for banning heroes in Marvel Rivals

An intense battle scene featuring Marvel superheroes using their powers.

It’s important to keep in mind that every individual vote has weightage. Therefore, if you think a certain hero should be banned, we highly recommend you communicate with your team to ensure everyone’s on the same page. This can be done through voice chat, text chat, or just requesting the team to ban a certain character using the in-game option.


Can you have a banning system in Marvel Rivals custom games?

Absolutely! As long as you choose a competitive map the host will get the option to enable the pick-and-ban phase. However, this doesn’t apply to every map, even if the banning system is identical to regular competitive matches.

Why doesn’t every rank in Marvel Rivals have banning?

The decision to not implement the banning phase for every rank in Marvel Rivals is a weird one. It may be because NetEase [3] doesn’t want the game to be too competitive for players in the lower ranks since they’re more likely to play the game casually.


  1. [1] "Official Marvel Rivals website". Retrieved February 23, 2025
  2. [2] "Marvel Rivals ban system explained". Retrieved February 23, 2025
  3. [3] "NetEase website". Retrieved February 23, 2025

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