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How to get Victorious skins in League of Legends

How to get Victorious skins in League of Legends

Skins play a massive role in League of Legends [1]. With the game being free-to-play, it’s only natural that the studio will want a reliable way to earn money, and cosmetics are just that. However, with so many free-to-play players, not everyone is willing to spend real-world money to get skins.

Fortunately, League of Legends gives players a way to earn skins without having to pay a single penny of their actual money. We are, of course, talking about Victorious skins. Long-time League of Legends players will likely know that these skins are usually acquired through grinding the ranked mode. However, the new season has changed things a little, and players may want to know how they can get these skins now.

So, without any more delay, here’s everything to know about Victorious skins in League of Legends, including what they are and how players can get them. If you’re struggling with hitting the required ranked wins, rest assured because we’re here to help. Just hire a professional League of Legends booster from Eloking and watch the wins stack. You can even use the code “BoostToday” for an excellent 20% discount.

What are Victorious skins in League of Legends?

A mythical warrior in an action pose wielding a spear.

Victorious skins in League of Legends are exclusive rewards given to players who achieve Gold rank or higher at the end of each competitive season. These skins have become a symbol of accomplishment and skill. Ever since Riot introduced the first one in 2011, they have consistently added a new Victorious skin every year. This is done to honor the dedication and success of players who rise to the challenge of climbing the ranked ladder.

Each year, a different champion receives the honor of being selected for a Victorious skin, and the designs are carefully crafted to reflect the unique achievements of the players. These skins are more than just cosmetic changes. They act as a badge of honor, a testament to your hard work and perseverance in the competitive world of League of Legends.

How to get Victorious skins in LoL

A powerful queen seated on a grand throne, exuding authority and majesty.

Riot Games [2] has recently made a few changes in 2025, including how to get a Victorious skin. To unlock the newest Victorious skin for a given season:

Win 15 games of Ranked, whether it’s solo queue, duo queue, or flex

The good thing about this method is that it doesn’t require players to hit a specific rank, as it was before. This means everyone can theoretically get a Victorious skin in League of Legends, even if they don’t usually play ranked. However, this also means the competition for players will be very fierce, making many players struggle to get the required 15 wins.

Here are some tips to achieve your goal and claim your hard-earned Victorious skin.

Choose a role and commit to it

A fantasy warrior standing triumphantly amidst a dark landscape.

The first skill that every strong League of Legends player should focus on is mastering a single role. League of Legends can be a complex and challenging game, and it’s far more effective to excel in one role rather than to be average at all five positions on the Rift. 

If you’re finding it difficult to settle on a particular role, spend some time experimenting with normal games until you discover one that feels right for you. Once you’ve found your ideal role, you can approach Ranked play with greater confidence and focus. Watching high-level streamers who specialize in your chosen position can also provide valuable insights and inspiration. This will help shed light on what’s possible and how to upgrade your own gameplay.

Review your replays

An epic fantasy warrior ready for battle

You can review your replays, carefully analyze your mistakes, and be more mindful of them in future games. Simply pause and rewind to the relevant moments in the video, watch them at your own pace, and consider different strategies or approaches you could have taken.

Consistency is key

A mystical warrior holding a sword in a vibrant autumn landscape.

Climbing the ranks in League of Legends requires consistent play and dedication. To improve, you need to spend significant time practicing your mechanics and developing your skills. While you focus on improving your skills, the ELO system will handle matchmaking, ensuring you’re paired with players of similar abilities. Aiming to play 10-15 games each week is a good benchmark for seeing progress over time.

To maximize your growth, focus on rotating three champions each week. This gives you enough time to practice each one and get comfortable with their unique playstyles. As you focus on improving your mechanics, don’t forget the importance of teamwork. Always be friendly and supportive toward your teammates, as maintaining a positive attitude can improve your overall experience and performance.

Taking regular breaks is also crucial. It helps you stay refreshed and avoid frustration. When you take care of your mindset and stay consistent with your practice, you will see improvements in your gameplay. By following this approach, you’ll steadily climb the ranks and get better at League of Legends.

Hire a professional booster from Eloking

A majestic winged creature standing on a mountain peak

We understand that many players may not want to play League of Legends competitively. A lot of players may want to get Victorious skins but don’t want to grind against players who know mechanics that give them a competitive advantage. To ensure you don’t have to face these players, you can always use Eloking’s services.

All you have to do is hire a professional booster from Eloking and have them win exactly 15 games. Not only will this ensure you get the Victorious skin for the season, but it’ll also make for some excellent progress toward your battle pass. After all, the battle pass is another way for players to get their hands on some free skins.

League of Legends is a game that attracts all sorts of players. While some have no problem playing the game in a tryhard setting, others just want to have fun with their friends. This could be in the form of ARAM, Teamfight Tactics, or Unranked. Therefore, those who want to grab a free Victorious skin but don’t want to face tryhards can always turn to Eloking.

Chase down and defend bounties

A female warrior ready for an epic battle in a fantasy setting

Riot introduced the bounty system in League of Legends and it’s pretty straightforward. The way it works is when a player on the winning team accumulates a significant amount of gold, they become a bounty target. The size of this bounty is based on their gold advantage over the rest of the players in the game. It’s crucial to prioritize these players because killing someone with a 300 gold bounty rewards you with double the usual gold for a kill.

The same logic applies to your team. If you’re ahead in gold, be mindful not to allow your opponents to close the gap by giving away a large bounty. Allowing them to collect such bounties can give them a way to recover and potentially turn the game in their favor.

Riot later expanded the bounty system to include important objectives like dragons and towers. Both teams can now see which structures have gold bounties on the map, and the total bounty value is displayed on the scoreboard. If you’re behind in gold, focusing on securing these bounties is essential to help close the gap and turn the game around. Maximizing the collection of these bounties can give you the resources needed to get back into the fight.

Struggling to win? Bad teammates? Steam Nose Emoji
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$8.00 $3.00 per game
Three games lol Rank 3
Garen Champion/Agent Gnar Champion/Agent
Average wait time <10 minutes
$12.00 $2.50 per game


Can you get League of Legends skins for free?

You absolutely can. There are two leading ways players can get free skins in League of Legends. The first is getting them by winning 15 ranked games. These skins are always Victorious skins and require the least amount of grinding.

Alternatively, players can also get free skins from the battle pass. Those with the free pass can potentially get two free skins. The first is a guaranteed seasonal skin, while the other is a random skin that costs 1,350 RP or less.


  1. [1] "League of Legends official website". Retrieved January 14, 2025
  2. [2] "Official Riot Game website ". Retrieved January 14, 2025

What’s next?

Now that you have learned something new about League of Legends - it’s time you start playing and get better at the game. We can help! Purchase Eloking League of Legends Boost right now and start playing at the rank you deserve!

Alternatively, you can Join our Discord Server & participate in various giveaways!

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