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League of Legends: New Irelia Buff and Warwick Changes
Jack Willa
03 Nov 2024
Posted On
League of Legends recently introduced impactful changes to Irelia and Warwick, two champions beloved by players. Irelia received an aggressive buff to her passive, improving her ability to push towers, while Warwick’s W skill has seen a mix of buffs and nerfs, giving him more versatility in combat.
Irelia’s passive now allows stack refreshment on structures like towers, inhibitors, and the Nexus, dealing 50% bonus magic damage to them. Warwick’s W received adjustments in movement speed, cooldown, and mana cost, plus new combat usability.
Let’s take a look at these changes in detail below. But before that if you are an Irelia or Warwick main struggling with declining winrates, you can always hire a professional coach from Eloking to show you the ropes. You can even use the code “BoostToday” for an excellent 20% discount on your order.
Irelia’s Passive Buff
Irelia’s passive now refreshes not only on minions or champions but also on enemy structures, including towers and the Nexus. This lets her keep her stack bonuses while taking down defenses and hitting objectives. Her passive also delivers 50% bonus magic damage to structures, making her a powerful force in pushing lanes, even if she's struggling early.
With this buff, Irelia can significantly impact the game by focusing on objective damage. This means a 0/12 Irelia, even in a losing lane, can still pressure enemy structures, especially onceturretplating drops. This major buff has stirred up the community, with many calling it overpowered and pushing for balance adjustments.
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Warwick’s W Changes
Warwick’s Blood Hunt (W) has seen multiple adjustments:
Reduced Movement Speed: The W’s movement speed bonus now ranges from 30%-50%, down from 35%-65%, limiting his ability to chase enemies as effectively.
Lower Mana Cost: The mana cost has been halved from 70 to 35 mana, allowing Warwick to activate Blood Hunt more frequently without running out of resources.
Attack Speed Adjustments: Warwick now gains a 200% attack speed boost when attacking enemies under 25% health, down from 250% against enemies under 20% health. This change widens his low-health target window but with slightly less burst potential.
Hunting Range Reduction: The skill’s range has been reduced from 4,000 units to 3,000 units, slightly limiting his tracking distance for low-health targets.
Cooldown Adjustments and In-Combat Usability
Warwick’s W received several cooldown changes:
Base Cooldown Reduction: Blood Hunt’s base cooldown has been lowered in the early game, now scaling from 80-40 seconds instead of 100-40 seconds, giving Warwick more early-game use.
Cooldown Reduction Change: Previously, Blood Hunt’s cooldown would reduce twice as quickly when no targets were available (2 seconds per second). This effect has been removed; now, Blood Hunt only receives a one-time 30% cooldown reduction if no target is found.
Combat Usability: Warwick can now activate Blood Hunt while in combat, even if hit by an enemy. This change significantly improves his ability to maintain pressure in duels, allowing him to maximize Blood Hunt's benefits during fights.
The League community is buzzing with mixed reactions. Irelia’s buff has sparked debate, with many feeling it could make her overpowered in the late game. Warwick’s changes, on the other hand, have left fans intrigued and divided. As these changes play out, only time will tell their ultimate impact on gameplay.