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League of Legends: New Swain Gameplay Rework

League of Legends: New Swain Gameplay Rework

Swain’s long-awaited gameplay rework has finally arrived, bringing significant changes to his abilities, especially his ultimate. This rework is designed to make him a more versatile and impactful champion, especially in team fights, while keeping his core identity intact. 

Swain’s rework focuses on his ultimate and crowd-control abilities, increasing their utility and damage scaling. His passive healing from Soul Fragments has been slightly reduced, but his E ability now deals more damage and is faster. His ultimate, Demonic Ascension, can now be detonated repeatedly, making him more dangerous in extended fights.

Let us examine all of these changes in detail below. But before that, if you are a Swain main and struggling with low win rates, we highly recommend hiring a professional coach from Eloking to show you the ropes. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” to get a cool 20% discount on your order. 

Passive: Ravenous Flock

Swain’s passive healing from Soul Fragments has been adjusted. It now heals slightly less, going from 2-5% Max Health depending on level, instead of the previous 3-6% Max Health. However, the passive still grants the same amount of Max Health per stack, allowing Swain to remain durable while gathering Fragments.

Q: Death's Hand

The base damage of Swain’s Q bolts has been tweaked, with lower damage in the early game but increased damage later. However, the bonus damage per bolt remains the same across all levels. One noticeable improvement is that the mana cost has been reduced, allowing Swain to cast the ability more frequently, which encourages more poke and sustained damage in extended fights.

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W: Vision of Empire

Video game character engaging a jungle monster in a battle

Swain’s W ability, Vision of Empire, has undergone some significant changes. The base damage has been reduced, but the slow is now much stronger, starting at 50% for 1.5 seconds and scaling up to 70%. However, the slow duration is shorter, compared to the previous version. 

The ability also now deals more damage to minions and consistently reveals enemies for 6 seconds at all ranks, making it more reliable for vision control.

E: Nevermove

Perhaps the most exciting change is to Swain’s E, Nevermove. This ability no longer deals damage when it passes through enemies; instead, it now only deals damage upon detonating when it returns. The total damage remains about the same since the detonation now deals double the damage. 

Additionally, both the outgoing and return speeds of the ability have been significantly increased, making it easier to hit moving targets. However, the cooldown is longer, starting at 14 seconds and reducing to 10 seconds at max rank, with an increased mana cost to balance its improved performance.

R: Demonic Ascension

Intense game action in MOBA with red area effect attack

Swain’s Ultimate has received the most game-changing update. Now, Demonic Ascension allows Swain to detonate the Demonflare as many times as he wants, as long as he keeps draining enemy champions. While the drain damage is slightly lower, the healing has been increased, and Demonflare's damage has also been buffed, now scaling up to 350 damage

However, the cooldown has been standardized to 120 seconds at all ranks. The ultimate cooldown now starts when activated, not after it ends. More importantly, Swain can detonate Demonflare every 10 seconds now, this duration can also be reduced by ability haste, allowing for more frequent detonations.

Related: League of Legends: New Ambessa Updates and Release Date.

Swain’s rework makes him a more formidable force in team fights, especially with his new ultimate mechanics. The changes to his E ability and the ability to repeatedly detonate his ultimate make him more impactful in drawn-out fights. These updates enhance Swain’s versatility, allowing players to experiment with new playstyles and builds

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