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Top 10 best items for Arena mode in League of Legends (2025)

Top 10 best items for Arena mode in League of Legends (2025)

Arena mode is back in League of Legends [1] and countless players are hopping into the mode for the first time. Being a 2v2v2v2 mode, there are multiple teams of two players who join forces to take the other teams down. While it’s extremely easy to get overpowered in a mode like this, it’s equally easy to accidentally buy items that really don’t do much, considering the circumstances of the mode.

Today, we want to go through the top 10 best items for Arena mode in League of Legends. From Zhonya’s Hourglass to Runaan’s Hurricane and even Guardian Angel, we’re here to go through our picks for the top 10 best items to use in this specific game mode before highlighting what makes them so good here compared to in a regular game in Summoner’s Rift.

So, if you want to climb the Arena ranks then keep reading because all these items will help you do just that. If you’re struggling to find a good teammate who plays to win then don’t worry. Just hire a professional teammate from Eloking and watch as your rank shoots up and those wins start stacking.

10: Zhonya’s Hourglass

Zhonya’s Hourglass is an incredible item for mages and assassins in Arena mode. Its active ability allows players to become invulnerable for 2.5 seconds, which can be used to dodge critical abilities, survive burst damage, or buy time for cooldowns to end. Champions like Fizz and Syndra benefit from these items because they provide survivability and outplay potential. The armor and AP it offers make it a well-rounded defensive and offensive choice.

In Arena mode, timing Zhonya’s active ability can be the difference between life and death. Skilled players use it not just for survival but to bait enemy cooldowns, forcing them to waste key abilities. Pairing Zhonya’s with champions that have resets, like Katarina, or those with delayed abilities, like Sylas’ Kingslayer, can make it even deadlier.

9: Runaan’s Hurricane

Runaan’s Hurricane is a unique and powerful item for attack speed-based champions in Arena mode. Its passive allows players to attack multiple enemies, making it ideal for team fights and 2v2 skirmishes. The attack speed and crit chance it provides further enhance DPS. Champions like Ashe and Jinx excel with this item because it allows them to deal massive damage (AoE damage in Jinx’s case) and apply on-hit effects to multiple opponents. The only thing setting it back is it’s only for ranged champions.

This item shines in extended fights, especially when paired with lifesteal or on-hit effects like Guinsoo’s Rageblade. In Arena mode, where multiple enemies are always nearby, Runaan’s ensures sustained DPS. It’s also excellent for breaking shields and whittling down teams over time, making it a must-have for champions who rely on auto-attacks.

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8: Black Cleaver

Black Cleaver is a versatile item for AD champions, especially those who rely on sustained damage. Its passive shreds enemy armor, making it a great choice against tanky opponents. The health, attack damage, and ability haste it gives to players make it a well-rounded item for champions like Garen, Darius, and Vi. In Arena mode, where fights can last long, Black Cleaver’s armor reduction and movement speed boost can provide the advantage needed to get kills.

Black Cleaver’s synergy with high-damage bruisers allows them to cut through tankier enemies more efficiently. In Arena mode, where sustain is key, the added movement speed from its passive can help champions like Wukong reposition mid-fight. Pairing it with Conqueror further amplifies its effectiveness, ensuring you outlast opponents.

7: Kraken Slayer

Kraken Slayer is a core item for most ADCs in Arena mode. The item’s passive deals bonus true damage every third attack, making it a powerful tool to defeat both tanks and squishies. Champions like Jinx and Kai’Sa excel with this item because it synergizes with their attack speed and crit-based builds.

With tanks and bruisers being prevalent in Arena, Kraken Slayer gives ADCs the consistent damage they need. The true damage on every third hit allows champions like Aphelios and Vayne to shred through even the toughest enemies. If paired with attack speed augments, Kraken Slayer becomes even deadlier, helping to burst down foes faster.

6: Liandry’s Torment

Liandry’s Torment has been an essential item for mages and poke champions. Its passive deals bonus damage based on the target’s maximum health, making it effective against tanks and bruisers. The ability of haste and magic penetration it gives to players enhances its damage output. Champions like Brand, Teemo, and Malzahar excel with this item, especially when paired with augments that buff burn or poke damage.

Arena’s chaotic fights allow Liandry’s burn to tick for maximum effectiveness. It pairs exceptionally well with champions who can apply damage over time, like Swain or Zyra. When combined with augment buffs like Infernal Soul or Scorch, Liandry’s can turn an entire round into a war of attrition that heavily favors the mage.

5: Blade of the Ruined King

Blade of the Ruined King is a top-tier item for AD champions, especially those who rely on auto-attacks. Its passive deals the percent current health damage, making it effective against every enemy. The life steal and attack speed it provides enhances the player’s sustain and DPS. Champions like Irelia and Vayne thrive with this item because it synergizes with their kits and the fast-paced nature of Arena mode.

With its percent-health damage, Blade of the Ruined King excels at countering high-health bruisers and tanks. In Arena mode, its movement speed steal ensures champions like Tryndamere and Fiora can stay on top of their targets. The omnivamp effect helps with survivability, making it an all-around excellent choice for extended brawls.

4: Heartsteel

Heartsteel is a must-have for tanks and health-stacking champions in Arena mode. Its passive allows players to stack bonus health by being near enemy champions, which scales well in longer rounds. Champions like Shen and Cho’Gath become nearly unkillable with this item, especially when paired with augments that enhance survivability. Heartsteel ensures players can outlast their enemies.

The longer the fight lasts, the stronger Heartsteel users become. Champions like Sett and Ornn can abuse the item’s stacking health to reach absurd levels of durability. In Arena mode, where health-based augments further enhance tankiness, Heartsteel ensures you’re an immovable force.

3: Infinity Edge

Infinity Edge is an essential item for crit-based characters in Arena mode. Due to Infinity Edge increasing critical strike chance and damage, it’s a core item for champions like Yasuo and Jinx because they must deal high burst damage. The attack damage and crit chance it provides ensures that auto-attacks hit hard and fast. 

For champions who rely on crits, Infinity Edge ensures each attack hits harder. Its synergy with champions like Samira and Yone turns every auto into a potential game-changer. When paired with augments that increase attack speed or crit chance, this item allows ADCs and crit-based bruisers to dominate fights.

2: Eclipse

Eclipse is nearly essential for bruisers and assassins in Arena mode. Its passive, Ever Rising Moon, deals percent max health damage and grants a shield, making it effective in short fights. The lethality and omnivamp it gives will enhance damage and sustain, making it a perfect fit for champions like Zed and Aatrox. In a mode where every second is critical, Eclipse’s shield and burst can help determine the outcome of a fight.

Arena fights are often quick, making Eclipse’s shield and sustain invaluable. Its lethality helps assassins eliminate squishier targets instantly, while the omnivamp keeps them in the fight. Champions like Riven and Pantheon use Eclipse to trade aggressively, securing kills before opponents can react.

1: Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel is the ultimate lifesaver in Arena mode. Its passive, Resurrection, revives players when they die, giving them a second chance in critical moments. This item can swing a fight in the player’s favor, especially during clutch situations. Champions like Katarina and Jhin benefit from this item because it allows them to re-enter combat after a risky engagement. The armor and attack damage it provides make it a well-rounded defensive and offensive choice.

A well-timed Guardian Angel revival can change the course of a round. In Arena mode, where every second counts, reviving at the right moment lets players finish off weakened enemies. It’s especially useful for champions like Kha’Zix and Nocturne, who can jump back in immediately to clean up a fight.


How does item acquisition work in Arena Mode?

In Arena Mode, traditional item purchasing is replaced by the Anvil system. After specific rounds, players are presented with an Anvil offering randomized item choices. Players can re-roll Anvil choices if unsatisfied, but this consumes a re-roll from the same pool used for Augments.


  1. [1] "League of Legends official website". Retrieved March 11, 2025

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