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Top 5 characters to pair with Vyse in Valorant

Top 5 characters to pair with Vyse in Valorant

Vyse is Valorant’s newest agent, and as with most new agents, the possesses abilities that players assume are broken at first glance. While we aren’t here to debate over whether Vyse is broken, we can tell you that her abilities are ideal for holding sites using walls, thorns, flashes, and her ultimate that stops players from using their primary weapon for a couple of seconds.

However, Valorant is a team-based game, so it’s understandable that some players might be looking for the best characters to pair with Vyse, and that’s what we’re here to help with. Today, we’re here to list the five best agents to pair with Vyse while also giving details reasonings for their placements.

So, without any more delay, here are the top 5 agents to pair with Vyse in Valorant. If you want to quickly learn how to play as Vyse, or any agent for that matter, you can always hire a professional Valorant coach from Eloking to give you a hand. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” so you get a cool 20% discount on your order too.

What characters work best with Vyse?

Vyse is the newest Sentinel agent in Valorant, with unique agents that allow her to hold sites using trap walls, thorns, and flashes. It’s good to know how to play Vyse and use her kit solo, but she can be much better if paired with good agents. Here are the top 5 characters to pair with Vyse:

5: Raze

A dynamic illustration of a female character in Valorant, wielding a gun with a flame effect in the background

Raze and Vyse make a great pair due to the former’s ability to throw grenades from afar or push opponents, and the latter can block off people and stop their movement. In defense, if Vyse slows down multiple people using her thorns, then Raze can throw a grenade there or use her ultimate ability to defeat numerous people. In attack, Vyse can flash on the other side of the wall, and Raze can use her satchels to push the opponent.

4: KAY/O

Futuristic robot warrior with glowing energy core and rifle

The main synergy between KAY/O and Vyse is their ultimate abilities. Vyse can use her Steel Garden to lock out opponents from their primary weapons, and then KAY/O can use his ultimate to block those same people from using their abilities, rendering them useless and forcing them to use their pistols. Vyse can slow down enemies with her thorns, and KAY/O can throw his grenade there to deal a lot of damage.

3: Killjoy

Stylish anime character with glasses and a colorful urban background

The duo can get free kills by mixing Killjoy’s setups with Vyse’s thorns. Imagine a group of enemies triggers Killjoy’s Alarmbot, and then Vyse activates her thorns and flashes the enemy. Whoever peaks that area can get multiple easy kills with a low chance of failure. Their ultimates synergize well, where Vyse can use her ultimate ability to prevent opponents from destroying Killjoy’s Lockdown device.

2: Breach

Illustration of a futuristic warrior with armor and fiery effects

While most of their interactions are basic ability combos, their ultimates work well together. Breach’s ultimate, Rolling Thunder, and Vyse’s ultimate, Steel Garden, have large area-of-effect mechanics that can catch multiple enemies at once if done right. 

Breach can flush opponents out of a location by using his ultimate ability. Vyze can use her ultimate to make the retreating team defenseless by removing their ability to use their primary weapon. They can double-flash enemies that may not expect a second flash since both can also flash through walls using their abilities.

1: Harbor

Futuristic soldier with a glowing tattoo and an energy weapon

Ending off our list is Harbor. Harbor’s ultimate covers a big area that can distraught people hiding or holding angles. Mix that with Vyse’s ultimate, which can disable the enemies’ ability to use primary weapons, and the duo has easy kills. 

Not only that, but their standard abilities mesh well too. If Vyse makes a Shear wall, the Harbor can use his Cascade wall or High Tide to hide his teammate’s wall, tricking enemies into running into an unbreakable wall. Once those opponents are stuck there, Vyse and Harbor can get easy picks or allow other allies with grenades to finish them off.

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How can you unlock Vyse in Valorant?

Like other new agents in Valorant, Vyse has a limited-time agent contract that players can complete to get her for free. Alternatively, players can also use Valorant Points to buy her or wait for the contract to end so they can unlock her using 8,000 Kingdom Credits, just as they would any other agent.

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