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Everything to know about Teleport spell changes in LoL Season 15

Everything to know about Teleport spell changes in LoL Season 15

League of Legends may have changed a lot of things over the years, but there has been one thing that has remained largely constant. We are, of course, talking about the many Summoner Spells that exist in the game. From Flash, to Heal and Exhaust, those who played the game 3 years ago would come back to see the same use of all spells, though maybe with minor changes like cast time.

However, Riot Games announced that one of the most beloved spells, Teleport, will be getting a massive change. While the core spell will remain the same, everything about it is slated to change, including how it look and how it works. Instead of just nearby players, now more players will be able to see the spell in action.

Here’s everything players need to know about the Teleport Summoner Spell change in League of Legends Season 15. If you want to master the new Teleport spell so you can dominate the top lane as soon as the update comes out, we recommend you hire a professional LoL coach from Eloking to help you do just that. You can even use the code “BoostToday” for an excellent 20% discount.

Teleport rework and impact in League of Legends

Description of the Teleport skill in League of Legends

The Teleport changes introduced in League of Legends Season 15 are all about reworking its impact across the early and late game. The key changes focus on slowing down the channel time in the early stages while retaining its effectiveness in the late game.

The Teleport’s channel time has been increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds during the early game. This will reduce its effectiveness as a ‘reset’ button, making it harder to use for quick saves or to turn things around in the laning phase. However, after 20 minutes into the game, the channel time resets to its original 4-second speed, bringing it back to its full potential for late-game plays, global rotations, and split-pushing.

The goal of this change is to reduce Teleport’s overuse as a tool for getting back into the game after a bad trade or gank. This strategy was abused by experienced players to reset and regain advantage quickly. Riot’s motivation is to balance out its dominance. The longer channel time gives opponents a fairer shot at reacting to early skirmishes and counterattacks. The quicker late-game functionality still allows for split-pushing or cross-map action, making sure Teleport is still impactful when needed. 

Early-game strategy and champion synergies

A mystical warrior from the League of Legends game casting a spell.

With a slower early-game channeling time, players will need to rethink their approach with Teleport. Champions like Shen and Malphite won't be as dominant in the early laning phase as their post-trade reset effectiveness has been reduced. These champions thrived on jumping back into the lane after maximizing their trades, but they will need to be more cautious now. Laners will need to plan out their trades better, manage their waves more carefully, and avoid relying too much on Teleport as a recovery method.

A character using teleport ability in a fantasy game environment.

This change also shakes up how champions work together in the early game. For lane bullies like Renekton or Jayce, the slower Teleport means enemies can't recover as fast after a bad trade, giving them a bigger window to pressure and dominate the lane. On the contrary, champions who rely on sustained pressure like Nasus or Ornn now have to think more tactically about recalls and engagement. They will need to make their plays more patiently and plan around the slower Teleport.

To make the most out of this change, players should focus more on vision control and think when and where Teleport plays will come into play. Even though it's slower early on, it can still have a huge impact on key objectives, like the first Rift Herald, and can still shape crucial fights.

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Late-game dynamics and competitive impact

Teleport spell effect in League of Legends

With faster channeling in the later stage of the game, players can use it to make the most out of split-pushing, making it a must-have for macro-focused strategies. This becomes especially important in competitive play, where timing and coordination are important in executing cross-map plays or countering enemy objectives.

In a solo queue, the changes will push players to make smarter decisions. Late-game Teleport will stand out in key moments and will play a big role in game-winning plays. Champions like Camille or Fiora who can apply pressure in the lane and still be a threat in team fights will shine here. Overall, the changes balance out the chaotic, fast-paced solo queue and the precise, coordinated play in competitive games.

Community feedback and Riot’s broader strategy

A character teleporting in League of Legends

The reaction to the Teleport rework has been a mix of appreciation and concern. A lot of players think Teleport’s early-game nerf is good, which had otherwise made the laning phase a bit predictable. On the flip side, there's also concern that the slower channeling time might make it harder to use against aggressive Junglers like Elise or Jarvan IV, who can punish Teleport’s delay.

Teleport has always been a spell Riot has tweaked over the years in their pursuit to find the right balance. This rework fits into their broader target of encouraging strategic variety and making sure that a single spell doesn't dominate the game. This new version of Teleport feels fresh and adds new dynamics, and over time, the rework could also influence the way other spells like Ghost or Heal are used.

Why is Riot Games changing how the Teleport spell works?

A character using teleport in League of Legends gameplay

Riot has recently been experimenting with many core features that had largely remained unchanged in League of Legends. These include the overall lore and how the champion Viktor looks, things that are mostly affected by the animated Netflix show Arcane, and adding new runes while changing some existing spells.

The decision to change how the Teleport spell works likely wasn’t an easy one. However, one thing that can potentially make the teleport spell overpowered for many newcomers is how players can use it on wards or minions. Therefore, if a ward is in a bush or out of sight, then players can use the spell on it to teleport somewhere else unnoticed. While this is fine for most high-level players, newcomers can largely struggle with this thanks to a handful of reasons.

Malphite using teleport in League of Legends gameplay.

Firstly, newcomers likely don’t have as much map awareness as players who have been playing League of Legends for years. While a Jungler gank is to be expected, seeing the champion you were playing against come out of a bush when you just eliminated them could be jarring. It can be even more jarring when the top-lane champion uses a hidden ward to teleport to the bottom lane, effectively instant-ganking both the ADC and support, wiping them out, and winning the lane.

By making it so the entire team sees a champion use the spell, surprise ganks and the such will be much tougher. Additionally, players will have to think more about when and where they use the spell. Not to Not to mention, one of the most popular glitches will be borderline impossible thanks to the Teleport spell change.


When will the Teleport spell change in League of Legends?

The Teleport spell change will take effect as soon as Season 15 of League of Legends starts. However, Riot Games [1] hasn’t given any confirmation for when that’ll be. With that being said, based on previous seasons and their starting time, players can expect the upcoming season to start sometime around January 13, 2025.

Will this change affect Shen’s ultimate ability?

Not at all. While Shen’s ultimate allows him to channel to a Champion to give them some shield before teleporting to them, it’s largely different from the current Teleport spell. Not only can Shen not teleport to wards, but the ultimate is a part of his champion kit, and changing it would fundamentally change how Shen is played, something Riot already did enough with Viktor.


  1. [1] "Official Riot Games website ". Retrieved December 13, 2024

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