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League of Legends: New Summoner Spell Changes

League of Legends: New Summoner Spell Changes

In addition to the myriad of item changes recently unveiled in League of Legends, players can also expect adjustments to several key summoner spells. These alterations aim to refine gameplay dynamics and balance, ensuring a more engaging experience for players across all skill levels.

With the next patch, Barrier receives a notable buff, while Cleanse and Exhaust see improvements in effectiveness. However, Ghost faces a significant nerf with reduced duration. Heal undergoes a subtle range improvement. Ignite, Flash, and Smite, however, are left unchanged. These changes are implemented after seeing increasing ghost abuse and the negligence of Cleanse and Exhaust.

Let's delve into the details of each modified summoner spell and analyze its impact on the Rift.


Video game character using a defensive barrier ability in a grassy environment


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A video game character engaging in a battle in a lush, forested map area


Unchanged Spells

Flash, Ignite, Smite, and Teleport: These staple summoner spells remain unchanged for now, retaining their original mechanics and cooldowns.

Impact on Gameplay

The Summoner Spell changes in League of Legends offer nuanced gameplay adjustments. With Barrier's boosted shield strength and extended duration, champions gain improved survivability. Cleanse's increased tenacity enhances resistance against crowd control effects, while the heightened slow effect from Exhaust grants better control over enemy movements.

Despite Ghost's reduced duration, it remains tactically useful for chasing or escaping. These alterations provide players with diverse strategic options beyond staple spells like Flash, Ignite, and Teleport, enriching gameplay dynamics.

Related: League of Legends: All New Items and Item Changes.

These summoner spell adjustments aim to promote strategic diversity and enhance gameplay balance. Players are encouraged to experiment with different spell combinations and adapt their strategies accordingly. Share your thoughts on these changes and how they impact your gameplay experience. 

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