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League of Legends: New Senna Enchanter Rework

League of Legends: New Senna Enchanter Rework

Senna has been struggling in both support and ADC roles, with declining win rates reflecting her diminishing effectiveness in the current meta. With the win rates going as low as 48%, Riot Games has decided to address these issues by implementing a series of significant changes. These include a mix of nerfs and buffs to the champion that are now live on the PBE.

Senna's rework includes reduced attack speed growth, alterations to her passive, significant buffs to her Q's healing, changes to her W's root duration, and increased shield scaling for her ultimate. These changes are designed to enhance her capabilities as an enchanter support while reducing her effectiveness as a lethality AD carry.

Let us take a look at all these changes in detail below and assess their resulting influence on Senna’s gameplay in the future.   

Attack Speed Growth

Senna's attack speed growth per level has been reduced from 4% to 2%. This change aims to limit her effectiveness in prolonged trades and skirmishes, making her more reliant on her utility rather than her auto-attacks.

Passive: Absolution

Previously, every 20 stacks of souls granted Senna 10% critical strike chance. With the rework, this has been reduced to 8% crit for every 20 souls. This tweak is intended to reduce her burst potential from critical strikes, nudging her towards a more supportive playstyle.

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Piercing Darkness (Q)

Screenshot of Senna using her ability in a League of Legends game

The most substantial changes have been made to Senna's Q, Piercing Darkness:

These changes make Piercing Darkness a much stronger healing tool, particularly when building AP items, aligning with the goal of making Senna a more effective support.

Last Embrace (W)

The root duration of Last Embrace has been increased. It previously lasted from 1 to 2 seconds, but now it lasts from 1.25 to 2.25 seconds. This enhancement provides Senna with more crowd control potential, helping her better lock down enemies in team fights.

Curse of the Black Mist (E)

Curse of the Black Mist remains unchanged in this rework. This ability continues to provide camouflage and increased movement speed for Senna and her allies.

Dawning Shadow (R)

Video game character using ultimate ability in a strategy game

Senna's ult, Dawning Shadow, has received buffs to its shield component:

Implications for Senna's Playstyle

These changes are poised to shift Senna into a more enchanter-centric support role, focusing on healing, shielding, and crowd control rather than raw damage output. Her enhanced healing and shielding abilities, combined with longer root duration, aim to make her a more valuable asset in team compositions requiring sustained support and protection.

Related: League of Legends: Aphelios to Become a Traditional Auto-Attacking ADC

The new Senna enchanter rework is an ambitious attempt by Riot Games to redefine her role in the game. By reducing her lethality and enhancing her supportive capabilities, they hope to make her a more viable and effective support champion. It will be interesting to see how these changes play out in the live game and whether Senna can carve out a new niche for herself as a premier enchanter support.

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