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Teamfight Fortress's fifth anniversary explained

Teamfight Fortress's fifth anniversary explained

TFT, or Teamfight Fortress has garnered a huge and dedicated fanbase in the short time it’s been out. With its unique twist in terms of gameplay and familiar character selections, players absolutely fell in love with it, and it seems Riot isn’t done with polishing the game to make it even better.

Today, we’re here to go through everything you need to know about TFT’s upcoming fifth-anniversary celebration. As is to be expected, the developers will go hard for this huge milestone, and therefore, we highly recommend you go through this article to ensure you know what to expect.

So, without further ado, here’s everything coming in Teamfight Fortress’ fifth-anniversary celebration.

What are the Gifts and Rewards?

Floating island with balloons in a clear blue sky

With TFT’s 5th birthday, Riot has decided to bless us all with an update, bringing all kinds of cool rewards and additions to the game. The update rolls out on June 12th, and for over a month, Riot will be hosting a mega event to celebrate.

Talking about the event, what’s good is that everyone is allowed to join and bask in the rewards. So whether you’re a newbie or an OG who’s been a part of the journey since the beginning, you can relish the nostalgia, and capitalize on the login rewards and the free event pass. 

Fantasy game battle arena scene with red monster and game elements

Riot’s decided to go all out for this one, as for the entire event, you’ll be able to log in every day and get free rewards. We’re talking Treasure Tokens, and the “I Celebrate” emote, which you can get by logging in for a total of 10 days during the event.

Throughout this event, you'll also get your hands on a free event pass. By progressing the free event pass, you'll be able to rack up a ton of XP and get a special Pengu skin. Not only that, but you can also earn the All Skill Emote, which when equipped, grants a unique trail effect to the Tactician for the duration of the event. The effect will take priority over other trail effects from previously equipped Emotes or Icons. 

New Tactician and Game Mode 

Artistic illustration of a colorful fantasy world with glowing symbols

Riot’s also thrown in a new mode called Pengu’s Party, which is all about throwing the ultimate bash in celebration of TFT’s 5th birthday. The game mode is standard, with 8 total players queuing in a match, but It blends chaos and nostalgia by incorporating traits from all past sets, allowing you to build the most epic team ever. 

There’s a promise of a few new tacticians, including a new chibi champion. Adding a fun way to engage with the community, the Sociliate hex lets you show love for your favorite set by electing your favorite superlative. Riot’s also decked out the Carousel in 5-year Bash gear, offering up unique champions and items to spice up your roster. There's also talk of a Party Crab scuttling around, adding to the festive chaos. 

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What more can we expect from the update?

While Riot’s dropped a lot of juicy info on the upcoming update, they’ve teased that there will be further surprises during the event, so make sure to keep your eyes on the game to see what cool new additions they bring to the game. Peter Whalen, game director for Teamfight Tactics, said:

“This event is a chance to honor the team and community who made it all possible. We’ll continue to innovate and invest in the game to ensure every update exceeds player’s expectations and delivers new experiences worthy of our players.”

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