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League of Legends: Top 10 Arena mode items for scaling
Hamza Rashid
14 Mar 2025
Posted On
League of Legends’ Arena mode may be one of the most popular game modes, but those who have played it know there are good reasons for that. For starters, players can basically turn any champion into an absolute powerhouse, even if it’s a support. However, the fact of the matter is that some champions are strong from the start, while others need to buy scaling items that slowly get them from weak to forces to be reckoned with.
Today, we’re here to go through the best League of Legends Arena mode items for scaling. While these items may not look like much initially, the more you pair them together and play with them, the more you’ll realize that maybe any champion you pick may have the potential to destroy the opposition in arena mode.
Without any more delays, here are the best Arena mode items for scaling in League of Legends [1]. Of course, every team in Arena mode has two players, and there’s only so much one player can do alone. If you want to take your team to the next level to flex those Arena mode wins, you can always hire a professional teammate from Eloking to give you a hand.
10. Black Cleaver
Black Cleaver is a solid pick for bruisers and AD champions in long fights. Its Carve passive shreds up to 30% of enemy armor, which is perfect for dealing with tanks. The Fervor passive also adds extra mobility, making it easier to dodge skill shots and chase enemies down. It should be used on attack-speed or ability-spamming champions like Vi or Kled, who can stack Carve quickly.
Black Cleaver shines in extended brawls, where its armor shred ramps up quickly. Champions like Darius and Hecarim benefit most, as their consistent damage application keeps Carve stacked. Not to mention, there’s also the extra movement speed that can help you do some good old kiting, especially against tank-heavy teams. Shred through the frontliners and destroy the opposition.
9. Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel provides a second chance to turn fights around. Its Rebirth passive revives you after four seconds, restoring 50% base HP and full mana. It's handy for AD carries, assassins, and bruisers who could use extra survivability, jumping back into the fight after reviving. Positioning is key, as a bad spot can get you killed, and try pairing it with healing for more value.
Assassins like Zed and bruisers like Camille can dive in aggressively, knowing they have a safety net. However, timing is everything. If you revive in a bad spot, then there won’t be much use for the item, since you’ll likely get shredded as soon as you go down. Ensure your teammate is nearby to ensure you can survive when you revive, and pair the strategy with shields or healing to maximize survivability.
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8. Liandry’s Torment
Liandry’s Torment is a top-tier pick in this meta due to its scaling burn and sustained damage. Its Torment passive is lethal for tanks as it burns enemies based on max health, while Suffering increases damage over time for those longer skirmishes. Pair it with champions like Zyra for best results, as their kits keep the burn constantly active.
The percent-health burn melts tanks, while Suffering ensures extended fights favor your team. In Arena’s tight spaces, it pairs well with area control abilities, and champions like Amumu can take this champion to increase their already devastating AOE damage.
7. Heartsteel
Heartsteel is a must-have in Arena, letting tanks stack permanent HP and become almost unkillable. Its Colossal Consumption passive grants bonus health with each fully charged kit and turns champions like Sett and Nasus into juggernauts. Plus, with Arena’s constant brawls, it stacks even faster than in Summoner’s Rift. Just watch its long cooldown per target and time your attacks wisely.
Heartsteel scales better in Arena than on Summoner’s Rift due to frequent combat and shorter cooldowns between fights. Champions like Cho’Gath and Sion can quickly amass massive health pools, and there are already multiple augments that can increase the champion’s size. Technically speaking, any champion can turn into a goliath in Arena mode.
6. Bloodthirster
Bloodthirster is one of the best lifesteal items in Arena, giving +80 AD, 15% lifesteal, and the Ichorshield passive. It helps ranged champions survive bursts while dishing out high DPS, and it comes in handy against poke-heavy champions and assassins. Great for both offensive and defensive play, Bloodthirster lets bruisers stay in fights longer. Time your abilities to maximize lifesteal, and it can be the difference between winning and losing.
If you’re playing an AD champion then getting this item is a must for both sustain and burst resistance. For example, champions like Tryndamere and Syndra can stay in the fight longer, which can mean instant devastation for the enemy team considering their already deadly spinning attacks that deal damage in a large area.
5. Rabadon’s Deathcap
Rabadon’s Deathcap is a game-changer for AP carries, giving them massive burst potential with a 30% AP boost. It lets mages like Veigar or Syndra delete enemies in 2v2 fights before they can react. Since Arena is about quick, high-damage encounters, Deathcap ensures your attacks hit as hard as possible. Combined with augments like Sudden Impact, it turns AP champions into lethal late-game threats.
Since most characters opt to build armor instead of magic resistance, building high AP can mean instantly taking out certain champions using their ults. Champions like Seraphine can also scale well, and pair that with her CC, and some ability haste could be enough to perma-CC the enemy and take them down before they realize what’s happening.
4. Sunfire Aegis
Sunfire Aegis is a go-to for tanky bruisers if they want to thrive in extended fights and clutch moments. Its Immolate passive deals ramping AoE damage that scales with bonus health, making it perfect for brawlers like Sett or Warwick. In Arena’s tight format, Sunfire’s burn helps wear enemies down while keeping tanks durable when paired with healing. Champions with crowd control can lock down targets while Immolate stacks up, dealing serious damage over time.
Sunfire’s Immolate passive gets immense value in Arena due to constant skirmishing. Champions like Shen and Ornn can keep enemies burning while soaking up damage, and this item can come in clutch when the circle gets small and all champions are extremely close to each other.
3. Infinity Edge
Infinity Edge is essential for critical-strike-focused champions, offering explosive burst damage that turns fights instantly. With its 40% crit damage boost, champions like Yasuo and Samira can tear through enemies without being countered. Paired with Phantom Dancer or Bloodthirster, it guarantees sustained damage and survivability in the current meta.
Crit-reliant champions thrive with Infinity Edge, as the increased crit damage amplifies their burst potential. Just pair this item with Jhin or Yone and watch as the damage gets stacked up, though it’s also crucial for those characters to have some tank items since just going in offense may be a bad idea in most cases.
2. Ravenous Hydra
For bruisers that rely on consistent DPS and self-healing, Ravenous Hydra is a fantastic pick. Champions like Riven, Aatrox, and Fiora can make the most of the Cleave passive to hit multiple enemies while healing through trades. It's powerful against melee-heavy duos, maintaining constant pressure in tight skirmishes. With smart positioning, Hydra offers the damage and healing needed to outlast opponents.
This item allows fighters like Irelia and Kled to pressure enemies while healing back lost HP. The cleave damage may not be nearly as useful in arena compared to the regular Summoner’s Rift thanks to the lack of minions, but it can be fairly useful when in tight teamfights.
1. Kraken Slayer
Kraken Slayer is easily one of the best items in Arena, thanks to its strong on-hit damage. Its Bring It Down passive adds bonus damage, making it ideal for ADC carries, bruisers, and on-hit champions. The increased attack and movement speed helps you stay mobile and avoid being locked down. Kraken Slayer is a top pick no matter if you’re up against beefy tanks or slippery duelists.
How many items can you buy in LoL arena mode?
In League of Legends' Arena mode, players have access to six item slots, which is consistent with the standard setup in other game modes. This allows for a full build, enabling diverse strategies and item combinations.
However, there’s one primary thing players must keep in mind, which is that you can’t buy individual item components. You can only purchase full items, though that isn’t too bad considering how much gold this mode gives.
Can you sell items in the League of Legends arena mode?
Arena mode permits players to sell items, offering flexibility to adapt builds during matches. This feature enables adjustments based on evolving game dynamics and opponent strategies, enhancing the strategic depth of the mode.