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Valorant: The Complete Guide to Play Vyse

Valorant: The Complete Guide to Play Vyse

Valorant continues to add new agents to its already expansive roster, from the controller Clove to the Duelist Iso. However, the newest and arguably most controversial of the bunch is the Sentinal Vyse. Vyse is a unique case as her abilities have the potential to change the tides of battle in the team’s favor almost instantly.

With that being said, players need to know how to properly use the agent before they can actually start making clip-worthy plays. To help with that, we’re here with a complete guide that will help players get started on mastering this agent. From a general overview of her abilities to tips for her playstyle and strategies, we’re here with everything someone needs to know before they can start mastering this agent.

So, without further ado, here’s the most complete guide for playing Vyse you’ll ever find. If you’re someone who likes learning by example, you can always hire a professional coach from Eloking to give you some live pointers. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” when you’re finalizing your order so you get a 20% discount too.

Quick Overview

Futuristic sci-fi warrior standing heroically with a dynamic background

Vyse adds a fresh touch to the meta by blending a bit of aggression and area control. This is a bit different from a typical Sentinel’s defensive role, as it combines Sentinel traits with Initiator playstyle. Vyse combines crowd control with recon, and in the right hands is capable of changing the course of the whole match with her abilities.

Unlike sentinels like Killjoy, Vyse needs a bit more proactiveness to secure map control and open up attacking or defensive advantages. Understanding how to use her abilities hugely impacts a team’s chances of winning.


Detailed view of a futuristic robotic arm in combat

Arc Rose: Vyse’s Arc Rose works like a tactical recon tool. You can toss it on walls or other surfaces and leave it there until an enemy comes by. Upon activation, it blinds them and creates an opening for you to strike. You also get solid audio cues to help figure out where the enemies are currently positioned, making it a lot easier to figure out where to kick off your aggressive plays.

Shear: This wall ability activates invisibly, meaning if enemies aren't paying attention then there’s a good chance they’ll walk into it. It traps them and makes it easy to take them out, or at the very least slow their advances. The wall isn't breakable by regular means which offers a bit more time. Placing it in busy areas can catch opponents off guard and lead to good engagements for your team.

Valorant character in dynamic pose with futuristic outfit

Razorvine: Razorvine is the go-to area denial tool. It deals damage and slows enemies who come within its range, perfect for stealing their advances. You can place it and lock down key areas, or place it in choke points to force enemies out of cover, giving you the edge in tense moments.

Steel Garden: Finally, we have Steel Garden, Vyse’s ultimate. This ability spreads sharp thorns across a big area that jams the enemy’s primary weapons. This means they're left relying on their sidearms or melee attacks, putting them at a huge disadvantage. Timing is key for this ability, as activating it at the right time can flip the script and give your team an advantage when it matters the most.

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Playstyle and Strategies

Digital illustration of a mysterious warrior in armored suit

Vyse thrives with an aggressive playstyle that sets her apart from typical Sentinels. Rather than just guarding flanks passively, she also actively partakes in pushing. Here’s a more in-depth breakdown that gives you strategies on how to use her toolkit to its fullest.

Pushing with Razorvine

Imagine you’re on Haven and the enemy is holding A site. Instead of waiting for them to make the first move, you clear out hiding spots using Razorvine. This allows your team to take control of high-traffic areas, like A site and put pressure from multiple angles.

Flashing for Intel with Arc Rose

When you’re getting ready to push B site on Split, you could throw Arc Rose around the corner just before your team goes in. When it goes off, it will blind enemies and give you audio cues to their location. If you hear footsteps to the left, that's a prime spot for a follow-up push. With this info, you’ll know exactly where to aim.

Futuristic game environment with players in action

Utilizing Steel Garden during Site Retakes

Picture defending on Bind and the enemy has just planted the spike on A. Once they start to group up, that’ll be your cue to use Steel Garden. Spread the thorns across the site and disable their weapons. Your teammates can then move in for the retake when they’ll be scrambling to switch to their sidearms. This will allow you to capitalize on the confusion and secure easy kills.

Combine Abilities for Maximum Impact

Futuristic robotic warrior in a virtual reality setting

Vyse shines with team synergy. In a scenario where you’re playing ice box for example and the team is holding onto B site, you can use Shear to trap a few enemies in a tight spot near the entrance. A teammate playing Raze can then throw in a Blast Pack or Paint Shells to finish them off. This combo is devastating to enemy formations without even needing to fire a shot.

Setting Up the Offense

If you’re on the attacking side and planning to hit A site on Ascent, use Razorvine in the middle of the map to deny enemy rotations. By placing it in a common pathway, you can deal damage and force the enemy to rethink their positioning. This also allows your team to proceed with fewer distractions.

Beginner Tips and Common Mistakes

Dynamic ninja warrior in combat pose

New players should capitalize off of Vyse’s info-gathering ability Arc Rose flash, using it as a blind and an intel tool that confirms enemy locations through audio cues. A common mistake is relying on Steel Garden solely for defense, in fact, it can be used aggressively in offensive pushes or eco rounds to level the field against enemies that are better armed. 

You should also be careful that your use of Shear and Razorvine doesn't become too predictable by placing them at points that could be too obvious. Instead, try experimenting with more unconventional spots to catch enemies off guard. Lastly, Vyse is best when paired with a more traditional Sentinel to secure flanks as this allows her to play aggressively without worrying too much about the team’s rear. Doing so will turn Vyse into a powerhouse. 


Why is Vyse’s ultimate ability so dangerous?

Vyse’s ultimate ability is so dangerous for the enemy team because it jams the primary weapon of every enemy agent in the given radius. Thanks to this, the enemy team must go up against Vandals and Phantoms using just their secondary weapons and abilities, which is much easier said than done. 

Naturally, Riot ensured the ability was overpowered by only temporarily jamming the primary weapons, but pairing Vyse’s ult with other agents’ abilities can be a recipe for disaster.

What role is Vyse in Valorant?

Vyse is a Sentinel agent in Valorant, which means she specializes in keeping enemy agents away from certain areas. This is done through Vyse’s trap abilities that can lock down any opening when used effectively.

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