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Here’s everything to know about sprays in Marvel Rivals
Hamza Rashid
15 Feb 2025
Posted On
Communication in team-based games can potentially increase the chances of your team winning by a lot. However, not every player can unmute their mics thanks to various situations, whether it be they don’t want to speak, they can’t speak, or there’s a lot of background noise that would make them unmuting their mic more annoying than useful.
Fortunately, that’s where sprays come into play. Sprays in Marvel Rivals [1] are a way for players to communicate with other players, whether in the form of commending them for their gameplay or showing the enemy team you’re better. However, using sprays can be a little confusing, and equipping them can be even more head-scratching.
So, to help players with this dilemma, here’s everything to know about sprays in Marvel Rivals. Of course, some sprays are only given after reaching a high enough Marvel Rivals rank.
How to equip sprays in Marvel Rivals
Before anything, let us cover how players can equip sprays in Marvel Rivals. While most players will likely look for a specific option for players to equip sprays from the main menu, that isn’t the case.
Instead, players can only equip sprays for individual heroes or villains. Therefore, if a player equips a spray for Iron Man, it won’t be equipped for Spider-Man. It’s a good idea to equip sprays for every character the player plays as, just in case they want to use a spray someday.
With that being said, follow the steps below to equip sprays in Marvel Rivals.
Go to the Marvel Rivals main menu
Click the heroes screen
Interact with the hero or villain you want to equip a spray for
From here, go to the cosmetics tab
Navigate to sprays
Finally, equip the sprays you want to add to the spray wheel
It’s as easy as that! Not only do all owned sprays appear here, but so do all unowned sprays. Players can interact with an unowned spray to see how they can unlock it, making things more streamlined.
How to unlock more sprays in Marvel Rivals
Now that players know how they can equip sprays in Marvel Rivals, the next thing to learn is how to unlock more sprays. Now, there are three primary ways players can unlock sprays, which are by completing challenges, buying bundles, and playing well with characters.
In addition to these three methods, players can also unlock sprays through other ways like participating in events. However, because these methods are unreliable and may not be applicable to everyone, we opted to skip them.
Completing challenges
The first and more natural way for players to unlock sprays is by completing the various challenges Marvel Rivals gives players. Most of these challenges are fairly easy to complete and most players will complete them as they naturally play the game.
Buying bundles
Marvel Rivals has many skin bundles players can unlock, from those based on MCU movies to those that take inspiration from popular comic storylines. These bundles may have some of the most attractive skins, but what some players may not know is that they also have other goodies, including sprays.
Take Wolverine’s Deadpool and Wolverine skin bundle, for example. Not only does this bundle include the iconic yellow and black skin from the movie, but it also has other things like an emblem and spray that players can equip. It’s important to note that you don’t necessarily have to equip the spray you get from a bundle to that same character. So, for example, players can equip the Deadpool and Wolverine bundle spray to Ultron, who is completely unrelated to the movie.
Proficiency rewards
The final and arguably best way to unlock new sprays is by simply playing well with your favorite heroes and villains. Every character in the game has a handful of sprays that players can only unlock by hitting proficiency milestones with their favorite characters.
The best thing about this method is that it rewards players for playing a certain character multiple times. If you’re playing as Iron Man, then chances are that you very like the character, and therefore, the game gives you sprays for Iron Man. This also motivates players to branch out and try new characters instead of sticking to the same ones.
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How to use sprays in Marvel Rivals
With everything else out of the way, the final thing players may want to know is how they can use sprays in Marvel Rivals. Naturally, the first step to use a spray in Marvel Rivals is to equip it using the steps we mentioned above.
After that, load into a match and pick the character you equipped the spray for. With that done, wait for the match to load and go near any solid surface. Of course, players can also use sprays on the floor, but it isn’t recommended since seeing it would just be difficult.
Pressing the above buttons will prompt the spray wheel to pop up. Of course, those who choose to edit their controls may have to press some other button or key to open the wheel, so it may be a good idea to go to the settings to see what key the spray wheel is bound to.
Do sprays do anything in Marvel Rivals?
Similar to other games in the hero shooter genre, sprays don’t really do anything in terms of gameplay. They’re a neat way for players to express themselves when in a battle, and most players tend to use them when they’re waiting for the attack phase of a match to start.
Who can see sprays in Marvel Rivals?
Every player in the match can see sprays in Marvel Rivals. It doesn’t matter if the player is from the spray user’s team or from the enemy team. Thanks to this, some players like to use a spray after an especially impressive play to ensure those watching the replay can see it being used.
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