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How to counter Orisa in Overwatch 2

How to counter Orisa in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 has an ever-increasing number of playable heroes that Blizzard is constantly adding to the game. Additionally, these heroes are also always getting tweaks and minor changes to ensure the heroes are as ideal to play as possible. However, some heroes manage to get through the cracks to be considered overpowered by players.

One of the only tanks who truly holds the title of “overpowered” is Orisa. Many players think it’s borderline impossible to counter this hero, though we’re here to tell you that isn’t really true. Today, we’re here to go through all of Orisa's weaknesses and heroes who counter the robotic hero to ensure players can quickly eliminate every Orisa player they come across.

So, without any further ado, here are the best tips to counter Orisa in Overwatch 2. Another good way of countering Orisa is to have a player in your team who can deal with her. If you don’t have a friend who can play with you, you can always hire a professional booster from Eloking to play with you. Just don’t forget to use the code “BoostToday” so you get a 20% discount in the process.

How to counter Orisa in Overwatch 2?

Futuristic robot character in dynamic pose in a game

Players can counter Orisa by taking advantage of her weaknesses, like her non-existent mobility and inability to block beams. Heroes that move very quickly or have beams can damage Orisa a lot. Despite Orisa having high damage output, her speed is lacking, which makes it easy to exploit.

Tips that apply to every role

Even though Orisa has numerous strengths, the only thing she can do in defense is mitigate damage. She can’t destroy or nullify damage like a shield, so she’s heavily reliant on her support. The most important factor that prevents Orisa from dying is healing since it pairs well with damage reduction, so anyone fighting against her must focus on support while also damaging her to keep her at bay.

Also, she has low mobility and projectile attacks, so Orisa has a hard time killing enemies with traversal abilities. If a player is using a character with mobility, they should try to keep Orisa’s focus while their team tries to kill off her support.

Tanks that can counter Orisa

Zarya, D.Va, and Winston are the best tanks to play to counter Orisa.


Anime character in a futuristic setting holding a blaster

D.Va can absorb almost every projectile or hitscan attack using her Bullet Matrix, making it one of the best defensive options in Overwatch 2. Orisa’s primary way of attacking people is her bullets or javelin ability, which D.Va can easily swallow to defend herself or her teammates.

Combining her defenses with her Booster Jets makes her an unstoppable force to get against Orisa, being able to retreat to higher ground or far away in an instant if things start getting too rough. D.Va can use her boosters to escape Orisa’s ultimate.


Zarya is the best counter-pick for Orisa. Since Zarya’s a beam user, Orisa can’t block any of her attacks, and if she tried to use her Javelin Spin to block, the beam would still damage her. If Orisa attempts to fight back, Zarya can enable her shield, which would charge her quickly, giving her more damage output.


Animated character wielding an energy weapon in a combat scene

Although Winston isn’t as good of a pick as D.Va or Zarya, he can do serious damage. His primary attack is electricity that Orisa can’t block, and he can deploy his shield whenever she goes on the offensive. If things start looking bad for Winston, he can jump away safely and let his teammates handle the rest.

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DPS characters that can counter Orisa

Echo, Mei, Soldier 76, Reaper, and Bastion are the best DPS characters that can counter Orisa.

Soldier 76, Reaper and Bastion:

Futuristic black armored warrior in a colorful urban game setting

These three characters are in the same category for the sheer damage they can deal. Orisa’s only form of defense is her Javelin Spin and her Fortify ability. Unlike other tank abilities, Fortify does not negate or block damage, as it only reduces the amount of damage taken.

If Orisa doesn’t have any support nearby, Soldier 76, Reaper, and Bastion can reduce her health to zero because of how much HP their weapons and abilities deal with, making them great picks against the tank.


Echo is the best DPS character to pick against Orisa, as she can fly around and attack the tank since she’s a big and slow target. Echo can outmaneuver Orisa with ease, and it’s difficult for her to use her Energy Javelin to bring the DPS down. Also, Echo has a beam attack that can drain through health, especially if the target is at half hp or lower, making her the best pick against Orisa.


Animated female character with ice gun in snowy environment

Orisa can’t block Mei’s primary fire, so the DPS can use it to damage and slow her down, making the tank an easier target for the team. Aside from using her beam, Mei can create walls to separate Orisa from her support, letting players take her down immediately with the right timing.

Support characters that can counter Orisa

The best support characters to pick to counter Orisa are Ana, Zenyatta, and Moira.


Female sniper with futuristic rifle in snowy mountain setting

Ana’s main advantage against Orisa is her Biotic Grenade, as it can prevent the tank from healing and lets the team get an easy kill if they time their attacks. Ana can damage Orisa from far away, while the tank can’t do anything about it since she’s only effective in close-quarters combat.


Although Zenyatta doesn’t have a high healing output compared to other supports, his Discord Orb sets him apart because it lets his team kill opponents quickly, making it useful against enemies. Even if Zenyatta's Discord Orbs allows him to kill off tanks quicker, it's a better idea to use it on Orisa’s teammates to prevent them from supporting her.


A female fantasy character casting a colorful spell in a mystical setting

Moira’s greatest strength is that Orisa can’t block any of her attacks if she uses it right. Her primary fire is an easy way to deal damage, and if she uses her Biotic Orb correctly and does not shoot Orisa directly, it can also lower the tank’s health. The best part is that if Moira’s losing a fight or Orisa’s using her ultimate, she can use her Fade ability to retreat and regroup.


What other Overwatch 2 hero is overpowered?

While Orisa is considered overpowered by multiple Overwatch 2 players, she isn’t the only playable hero to have that title. Moira is an example of another hero who many players struggle to counter. Fortunately, we have a dedicated article that dives deep into how players can counter Moira in Overwatch 2.

Is Orisa the most popular tank in Overwatch 2?

While Orisa definitely holds the title of one of the most overpowered tank heroes in Overwatch 2, she isn’t the most popular one. Instead, D.Va is the most popular hero thanks to her being an iconic character. She’s so popular that, in addition to fans, even those who haven’t ever touched any of the two Overwatch games can recognize her.

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