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League of Legends: Lethal Tempo is Coming Back!
Jack Willa
15 Oct 2024
Posted On
Exciting news for League of Legends players—Lethal Tempo is making a comeback! After being removed from the game due to balance concerns, Riot Games has revealed plans to reintroduce the rune. In a recent interview on Bilibili, developers outlined how they plan to bring it back without causing major balance issues or making it feel mandatory on certain champions.
Lethal Tempo is set to return with adjustments aimed at preventing it from being too strong on champions like Yasuo and Yone, especially in the early game. Riot wants it to feel satisfying to use but not so overpowered that it becomes a must-pick for specific champions.
Let us catch up with a brief history of lethal tempo and the riot’s plan for its return.
Why Was Lethal Tempo Removed?
Lethal Tempo was removed a few months ago after it became too powerful in certain champion builds. The rune's core mechanic allowed champions to stack bonus attack speed with each basic attack against enemy champions, for up to six stacks.
At full stacks, players also gained increased attack range and a raised attack speed cap, allowing some champions, particularly AD carries like Jinx, to reach a staggering 10 attack speed.
Not only AD carries benefited from Lethal Tempo—top-lane fighters like Yasuo and Yone could use it to dominate their lanes, especially early on. The introduction of new items this season made the rune even more powerful, forcing Riot to remove it in an attempt to rebalance the game.
Riot’s Plan for Its Return
In the Bilibili interview, Riot developers mentioned that they want to reintroduce Lethal Tempo in a way that doesn’t make it a necessity for champions like Yasuo and Yone, particularly in the early game. However, they also want to keep the rune’s core mechanic intact so that players who enjoy using it still find it fun and rewarding.
Their goal is to prevent Lethal Tempo from dominating gameplay, while still offering value for players who pick it. It will still feel satisfying to use on champions like Jinx, but Riot aims to tweak its power levels so it doesn't become a crutch for certain champions in every match.
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Anticipated Changes and Player Expectations
Although Riot hasn’t revealed the specific adjustments they will make to Lethal Tempo, many players are curious about how it will perform in its reworked form. Riot’s balancing act will be crucial in determining whether the rune can maintain its appeal without upsetting the game’s overall balance.
The key will be ensuring that Lethal Tempo still provides an enjoyable experience for the champions that previously relied on it, but without making them too overpowered.
The return of Lethal Tempo has sparked excitement within the League of Legends community. While players are eager to see their favorite rune return, Riot’s focus on balancing it is a positive sign. If they can successfully address the power issues without removing what made the rune so fun, Lethal Tempo could become a versatile option for many champions again.