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Definitive Monk class guide for PoE 2

Definitive Monk class guide for PoE 2

Path of Exile 2 [1] is a massive success, and a large reason for that is the sheer amount of freedom players have. From deciding how they want to proceed with the story to determining the specific builds they want their characters to have, Path of Exile 2 can be considered a D&D player's dream game.

Speaking of DnD, one of the most popular classes players love to choose has to be the Monk class. Today, we want to take a closer look at the Monk class in Path of Exile 2. In addition to highlighting what the class is and how it stands out from other classes in the game, we'll also drop our favorite Monk build in the game for players to try.

So, without further ado, here's everything to know about the Monk class in Path of Exile 2.

What do you need to know about the Monk class?

A meditating warrior surrounded by mystical energies and a waterfall.

The Monk in Path of Exile 2 is a fast-paced class that focuses on melee combat and elemental spellcasting over ranged attacks. Monks have high Dexterity and Intelligence since they rely on speed and damage output while having low defense and HP. Players can master the Monk class by balancing close-range attacks with elemental spells.

Best equipment for Monks in Path of Exile 2

An epic battle between a hero and a monstrous creature in a fantasy setting.

Monks should try equipping light armor to get greater mobility. Players should try to get body pieces that contain words like “Garb” or “Robe”, alongside Linen Wraps, Crowns, Masks, or Hoods.

It’s difficult to recommend a specific set of gear since loot is randomized, but players should go for gear that buffs speed, damage, evasion, or energy shield. Rare and Unique items have the best bonuses, especially for Monks.

When it comes to weapons, Monks usually fight without using anything, but players can equip Quarterstaves. Any item that increases the player’s physical damage, elemental damage, and other related buffs is necessary. Gamers can find numerous items that they won’t need when they go through the game, so they should sell, disenchant, or trade them off so they aren’t wasted.

Best Skill Gems for a Monk

A character exploring a mystical forest in a fantasy adventure game.

Killing Palm is available from level 1. It allows players to leap forward and attack enemies, instantly killing those with low HP. Whenever a player gets a kill with it, they’ll get Power Charges which will let them trigger other powerful abilities.

Players can get the Tempest Bell skill at level 6 with a level 3 Uncut Skill Gem. It makes a combo meter that summons a bell, which players can strike to create shockwaves.

Gamers can also obtain the Staggering Palm skill at level 6 with a level 3 Skill Gem. This ability can stun enemies and give players a buff that lets melee attacks shoot projectiles. 

Best Passive Skills for a Monk

An epic battle scene in a fantasy game.

Players must go for passives that strengthen critical hit chance, damage, and amount of Power Charges they can accumulate. Skills like Deadly Force and Overload are great pairs. Gamers should attempt to increase lighting or cold instead of splitting resources to maximize the strength of elemental attacks.

Best Spirit Gems for a Monk

Players should get the Lingering Illusion Spirit Gem if they’re struggling to stay alive. It creates a decoy whenever the player rolls which draws in enemies, letting them stay safe. 

Charge Infusion is a Skill Gem that increases the gamer’s Critical Hit chance by 15% whenever they have a Power Charge. Players need to be level 58 for Charge Infusion.

Combat Frenzy provides Frenzy Charges whenever the player electrocutes or freezes enemies, increasing skill speed by 8%. This ability works well with cold and lighting builds, and players must be level 36 and have a level 8 gem.

Ascendancies for a Monk

A comprehensive skill tree guide for Diablo 4 featuring character abilities.


Here’s a list of every Invoker skill in PoE2:

Scatter Them to the Winds Gives Elemental Expression on melee crits to create AoEs

Faith is a Choice

Meditate to get double energy shields

I Am the Blizzard

Players deal 10% extra cold damage, and freezing enemies makes Chilled Ground AoE

I Am the Thunder

Players deal 10% extra lightning damage, and electrocuting enemies makes Shocked Ground AoE

And I Shall Rage

Gamers will get Unbound Fury whenever they inflict a status effect

And Protect Me from Harm

The evasion rating will decrease by 40%. However, players get equivalent physical damage reduction

Lead Me Through Grace

Every 6 energy shields and 15 evasion on the player’s body armor will give them 1 Spirit

Sunder My Enemies

Criticals ignore numerous elemental resistances

The Soul Sprints Eternal

Meta skills get 35% more energy

Acolyte of Chayula

Here’s a list of every Acolyte of Chayula skill in PoE2:

Chayula’s Gift

Maximum Chaos resistance is buffed by 10% and Chaos resistance is doubled

Consuming Questions

Players can’t recharge energy shields naturally but they can use mana leech to do it

Embrace the Darkness

Cannot use Spirit. The player’s base maximum Darkness is set to 100, and they get 5 more per level. Darkness is like an energy shield, and its reservation is 10 seconds long

Grasp of the Void

Monks get 1% more Chaos damage for every 20 unreserved Darkness

Inner Silence

Darkness reservation duration is split

Lucid Dreaming

Flames of Chayula skill will be twice as long

Ravenous Doubts

Players can instantly cast mana leech

Reality Rending

Players have a 23% chance to get 25% extra Chaos damage on hits, a 13% chance to gain 50%, and a 7% chance to gain 100%

Walking Dream

Gives players Into the Breach, which is a skill that allows them to manifest Flames of Chayula


Is the Monk class in PoE 2 strictly close combat?

While the Monk class in Path of Exile 2 does require players to excel in close combat, it isn't the only way to fight enemies. Monk players can also use elemental skills to deal devastating damage, and some spells can also be cast from a distance.


  1. [1] "Official PoE 2 website". Retrieved December 31, 2024

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