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Overwatch 2: The top 10 best heroes to pair with Hazard
Jack Willa
08 Dec 2024
Posted On
Hazard is the newest hero to come to the Overwatch 2 roster, and he’s already making waves for being largely different than the current heroes. While Playing a game like Overwatch 2 alone is possible thanks to some roles like DPS being very self-sufficient, the same can’t be said for the tank role that Hazard has.
Therefore, to ensure players are ready to jump into Overwatch 2 and consistently start winning games, we thought it might be a good idea to go through some of the best heroes to pair with Hazard. Not only does this include heroes of every role, but it also goes through some key strategies players can utilize with their friends to dominate the battlefield.
So, without any further ado, here are the best heroes to pair with Hazard in Overwatch 2. If you or your duo don't know how to play a hero on this list, you can always have a professional booster from Eloking show you how it's done. We recommend using the code "BoostToday" at checkout for a 20% discount too.
Mei and Hazard make a great crowd-control duo. When Mei uses her Blizzard and Hazard follows up with Downpour, the game is over for enemies caught in their combined move, allowing you to clean up the fight. Mei’s Cryo-Freeze is also perfect for surviving wild brawls that Hazard often initiates, letting her regroup and jump back into the flight when things cool down.
Moreover, Hazard’s Jagged Wall and Mei’s Ice Wall can shut down enemy movements by splitting teams apart or sealing off crucial areas of the map. This dynamic duo makes it very difficult for enemies to regroup or escape, putting constant pressure on the map.
Hanzo’s Dragonstrike pairs perfectly with Hazard’s ultimate for team wipes. When Hazard locks enemies in place with Downpour, it can set up Hanzo’s ultimate and create a devastating combo. Hazard’s Jagged Wall also gives Hanzo high-ground options and opens up unique angles to pick enemies off.
This combo is all about area control and team fights. Hazard keeps enemies locked down or out of position while Hanzo attacks with precision shots or his ultimate from a safe spot. The combo needs good communication to work and rewards smart and calculated teamwork.
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Hazard’s kit fits Genji’s aggressive playstyle like a glove. It creates openings to dove on immobilized or distracted enemies. Violent Leap and Jagged Wall, combined with Downpour perfectly set up Genji’s Dragonblade and clean up fights. Hazard’s ability to mess with enemy formations allows Genji to pin out open targets more easily.
Both Hazard and Genji work well in high-mobility engagements which makes them a natural pair for flanks. The combined pressure can be too much for the enemy, with Hazard initiating chaos and Genji finishing it off with his precision. This combo is perfect if you’re looking for aggressive and fast-paced gameplay.
Junkrat and Hazard is another great offensive combo. After Hazard’s Downpour immobilizes enemies, it's the perfect setup for Junkrat to use his RIP-Tire and blow them up. Moreover, Hazard’s knockback abilities can also push enemies right into Junkrat’s traps or spam zones creating nonstop pressure.
This duo shines in zone control and locking down areas, whether it is objectives or choke points. Hazard disrupts enemy formations, while Junkrat capitalizes with a barrage of explosions, which creates a nightmare for the enemy to push through.
Hazard can immobilize and displace enemies with Violent Leap and Downpour, creating perfect setups for Tracer to dive in and deal close-range damage. When enemies are stuck in place, Tracer can tear through them with her rapid-fire Pulse Pistols, or land a Pulse Bomb, making Hazard a key enabler of her fast-paced playstyle.
The duo thrives on mobility and constant pressure. While Hazard initiates fights and controls the battlefield, Tracer uses the disruption to dive into the enemy backline and target weak enemies. Together, they’re experts and flanking and diving if used correctly.
Baptiste can increase Hazard’s damage output during fights. Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix cranks up Hazard’s Bonespur primary fire, increasing his ability to pressure enemies and secure kills. Plus, Bapiste’s Immortality Field keeps Hazard alive through aggressive dives and gives him a chance to go all out in his disruptive playstyle.
As a support, Baptiste’s healing and utility are the perfect complement to Hazard’s tanking. With Baptiste keeping him alive, Hazard becomes more effective in prolonged fights and gives his team a big edge in engagements.
Kiriko and Hazard make a solid team in clutch moments. Kiriko’s Suzu can cleanse stuns or other crowd control effects letting Hazard recover quickly and stay in the fight. Her Swift Step is another lifesaver, allowing her to teleport straight to Hazard’s position and provide support during aggressive plays. This synergy is crucial for keeping Hazard alive and impactful.
The two share high mobility which makes them perfect for creative flanking plays. Hazard can keep the pressure on while Kiriko’s healing and damage output make sure he can survive through the action.
Widowmaker and Hazard are a deadly long-range combo. Hazard’s Downpour is a great setup for Widowmaker’s Venom Mine or Infra-Sight shots which result in devastating eliminations. On top, Hazard’s Jagged Wall can create new sightlines or high ground, giving Widowmaker better positioning and more opportunities to take out targets.
The combination of Widowmaker’s precision shots and Hazard’s crowd control is perfect for games that require accuracy and constant pressure. Widowmaker can exploit openings created by Hazard, and this duo shines in maps with a bit of verticality, where Hazard opens up spaces from above and eliminates threats with precision.
Illari may be one of the least popular heroes in Overwatch 2, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have the potential to pair well with other heroes. Case in point, we would argue that Illari is one of the best healers to pair with Hazard, largely thanks to his more erratic and unpredictable movement.
If both players already have a good way of communicating, whether it be through the in-game voice chat or even a Discord call, then any healer could potentially work with Hazard. However, without proper communication, Illari’s Pylon, when positioned properly, could provide Hazard with a constant stream of healing to ensure the tank hero doesn’t run out of health.
Hazard is set to be one of the most aggressive tanks in the game, which is why having equally aggressive DPS heroes can be excellent. Thanks to this, it’s highly recommended to pair Hazard with Reaper, a hero who has to get up close and personal to deal proper damage with his shotguns.
If things get too hectic or dangerous for Reaper, the DPS can always use his ability to become invincible for a short time. This will force the enemy heroes to target Hazard and give Reaper some much-needed time to heal. When he’s healed, he can catch the enemy by surprise before taking them out.
Is Hazard the last hero in Overwatch 2?
Not at all. While Hazard is indeed the last hero to come to the game in 2024, more heroes will very likely come to the game in 2025 and beyond. Overwatch 2 is far from being a dead game, so Blizzard will want to continue adding new updates and heroes to keep the game relevant.
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